Monitoring — Мониторинг — Monitorimi


Breitenmoser, U., Breitenmoser-Würsten, Ch., von Arx, M., Zimmermann, F., Ryser, A., Angst, Ch., Molinari-Jobin, A., Molinari, P., Linnell, J., Siegenthaler, A. & Weber, J.-M. 2006.
Guidelines for the Monitoring of Lynx.
For the Workshop on the Conservation and Monitoring of the Balkan lynx.
KORA & IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group: 1-32.

There is no cheap way out. The quality and reliability of a monitoring programme depend on the investment. A good lynx monitoring system requires a clever concept, reliable data collected by skilled people, sensible analyses, and a clear reporting system. But what is a “good monitoring system”? A good monitoring system is a survey design allowing the answering of the questions asked with a suffi cient accuracy.
The purpose of these guidelines is to explain the principles of monitoring and the options and problems of monitoring lynx.

KORA_Bericht_33_e_Monitoring_Guidelines_English.pdf (1'023k)
KORA_Bericht_33_mk_Monitoring_Guidelines_Macedonian.pdf (1'069k)
KORA_Bericht_33_al_Monitoring_Guidelines_Albanian.pdf (1'092k)



Breitenmoser, U., Breitenmoser-Würsten, Ch., Molinari, P., Ryser, A., von Arx, M., Molinari-Jobin, A., Zimmermann, F., Siegenthaler, A., Angst, Ch. & Weber, J.-M. 2005.
Balkan Lynx Field Handbook.
KORA & IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group: 1-92.

The Field Handbook for the Monitoring of Lynx compiles information relevant for the collection of data and observations from free-living lynx. This handbook was produced to facilitate the survey and monitoring of the lynx in the south-western Balkans, mainly in Albania and in the FYR of Macedonia. The handbook provides practical information useful in the field.

Available in English, Macedonian and Albanian.








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