Conservation Strategy & Action Plans — Стратегија за заштита и акционен план — Strategjia e ruajtjes dhe planet e veprimit


Conservation Strategy and National Action Plans for the Conservation of the Critically Endangered Balkan Lynx.

The Action Plans were developed in participative workshops in MK and AL in June 2009. The targets and activities defined in the range-wide Strategy (see below) were assessed and where needed modified. The Action Plans define the tasks, responsibilities and timelines for the implementation of measures towards the recovery of the Balkan lynx. The outcomes of the workshops are part of this report (AL pages 4-18, MK pages19-35).

The Action Plans were adopted by the Standing Committe of the Bern Convention at the 31st meeting, Strasbourg 29 November - 2 December 2011 and published as T-PVS/Inf (2011) 33.



Strategy for the Conservation of the Balkan Lynx in "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Albania.

This Strategy for the Conservation of the Balkan Lynx was developed by the Balkan Lynx Strategy Group at the Strategic Planning Workshop for the Conservation of the Balkan Lynx in Peshtani, MK, 3-4 June 2008.

It was adopted by the Standing Committe of the Bern Convention at the 31st meeting, Strasbourg 29 November - 2 December 2011 and published as T-PVS/Inf (2011) 34.



Strategy for the Conservation of the Balkan Lynx in Macedonia and Albania.
Results from the Strategic Planning Workshop for the Conservation of the Balkan Lynx, Peshtani, MK, 3-4 June 2008 (Draft): 1-33.

Nature conservation representatives from governmental agencies, universities and important interest groups from Albania and Macedonia met for a participatory workshop for the development of a Conservation Strategy for the Balkan lynx. The meeting was hold under the auspices of the Bern Convention, Council of Europe. Results of the baseline survey were presented to the participants to provide background information. The aim of the workshop was to define common goals and objectives for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Balkan lynx population and to identify activities on the range level based on an assessment of problems and enabling conditions in the two countries.



Development of a Conservation Strategy for the Balkan Lynx – Workshop 3-4 June 2008, Peshtani, MK.
Presentation, 28th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 24 November 2008.




Report on the Workshop "Development of a Conservation Strategy for the Balkan Lynx", organised by the Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme, 3-4 June 2008, Peshtani, "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia".

Report prepared by Manuela von Arx & Urs Breitenmoser, KORA on behalf of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention), Council of Europe, Strasbourg. T-PVS/Inf (2008) 20: 1-4.





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