von Arx, M.,
Breitenmoser-Wuersten, Ch., Zimmermann, F., and Breitenmoser, U. 2004. Phylogenetic
history and subspecies. In: Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx
lynx) in Europe in 2001. KORA
Bericht 19: 9-10. KORA, Muri b. Bern.
On the phylogenetic history and the genetic
differentiation of the genus lynx in Europe.
see also: ELOIS,
Breitenmoser-Wuersten, Ch.
and Obexer-Ruff, G. 2003. Population and conservation genetics of two re-introduced
lynx (Lynx lynx) populations in Switzerland - Molecular evaluation 30 years after
translocation. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on the Status and Conservation
of the Alpine Lynx population (SCALP): 28-31. Amden, Switzerland.
On the genetic variability of the lynx populations in Europe.
Buresh, I. 1941. Risove v
Makedonija (Lynx in Macedonia). Priroda 42(3): 51-52. |
The Balkan lynx was first
described as a separate subspecies in 1941 by the Bulgarian zoologist Ivan
Buresh. The name that Buresh gave to the Balkan lynx was Lynx lynx balcanicus.
Miric, D. 1978. Lynx lynx
martinoi ssp nova- neue Luchsunterart von der Balkanhalbinsel. Bulletin du
Museum d'Histoire naturelle 33 (B): 29-36.
Description of the Lynx lynx martinoi as a new species living in the
Miric, D. 1973. Zur systemischen Stellung des
Balkanluchses, Lynx lynx (Linné, 1758). Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen
22: 239-244.
Describes the morphology of the lynx species in the Balkans
and tries to establish its taxonomy.The author states that the systematic
position of the lynx populations at the Balkan Peninsula is not clear. It is treated
by one group of authors as a member of the Iberian species Lynx pardina
(Temminck, 1824) and by another as a member of the European species L. lynx (Linné,
1758). Comparing the measurements of the adult skulls of 2 males and 3 females of
the lynx at the Balkan Peninsula with the measurements of the skulls of L. pardina
and L. lynx, the author concludes that the lynx population at the Balkan
Peninsula is to treat as a member of the species L. lynx specially of
the European subspecies Lynx lynx lynx (Linné, 1758).
Simeonovski, V. & Zlatanova, D. 2001. Some notes on the systemics of the Balkan
lynx. In: The Balkan Lynx Population - History, Recent Knowledge on its Status
and Conservation Needs. Breitenmoser-Wuersten, Ch. and Breitenmoser, U. (Eds.), KORA
Bericht 7: 24-25. Muri b. Bern. |
Summary on the
current systematic position of the Balkan lynx.
see also: KORA