Project of the Month - Archive

Here you can find all Cat Projects of the Month from the last years back to 2005. 

The IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group's website regularly presents a different cat conservation project.

Members of the Cat Specialist Group are encouraged to submit a short description of interesting projects.

For application use this standardised form (an editable word document) and send it to ch.breitenmoser(at)

Puma (Puma concolor) © A. Sliwa

June 2008

Repaint the Stripes: Research-based Sumatran Tiger Conservation in a Multi-use Landscape

The island of Sumatra, Indonesia, is home to one of the most threatened subspecies of tigers surviving in the wild: Panthera tigris sumatrae. As part of WWF’s intervention and my Virginia Tech’s Student Research in Riau Province, this project aims to deliver improved knowledge of the tiger’s ecology, which will inform land use and conservation management decisions, and improved security for tigers.


April 2008

Phylogeography of Indian populations of  jungle cat (Felis chaus) and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)

The family Felidae is well represented in India, with 15 species occurring here, making it the richest in cats worldwide. However, except for the large cats the rest figure very poorly in research and conservation policies in the country, probably because of their rarity and elusive nocturnal habits, coupled with cumbersome bureaucratic formalities in studying rare species. Fortunately, in the past few years non-invasive molecular techniques have been introduced in wildlife research in India, which has made small cat research easier.


March 2008

Persian Leopard Conservation in Bamu National Park

The biologists of our NGO, Plan for the Land Society, surveyed numerous leopard habitats throughout protected areas of Iran and have chosen Bamu National Park in the Fars Province (southern Iran) for our project “Persian Leopard Ecology and Conservation in Iran” study. The reasons of this selection are relatively high leopard density, rapid habitat fragmentation, escalated poacher-warden conflicts and prey reduction in Bamu NP.