IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            1443 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Stuart, C.T. 1984 The private life of the caracal, Felis caracal
Naturalist (28)
Stuart, C.T. 1984 The distribution and status of Felis caracal Schreber, 1776
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (31)
Stuart, C.T. 1984 A Story is compiled
Naturalist (28)
Stuart, C.T. 1982 The distribution of the Small-spotted cat, Felis nigripes
Naturalist (26)
Stuart, C.T. 1985 The status of Two Endangered Carnivores Occuring in The Cape Province, South Africa, Felis serval and Lutra maculicollis
Biological Conservation (32)
Stuart, C.T. 1981 Rare and endangered mammals of the Cape Province
Naturalist (25)
Stuart, C.T. 1977 Analysis of Felis libyca and Genetta genetta scats from the Central Namib Desert, South West Africa
Zoologica Africana (12)
Stuart, C.T. 1987 Will they still be in the Western Cape mountains in the year 2000? Public lecture delivered for the Western Cape Branch of the Willdife Society on 29. April 1987
Conference Proceeding
Stuart, C.T. 1975 Preliminary notes on the mammals of the Namib Desert Park
Madoqua (4)
Stuart, C.T.; Braack, H.H. 1978 Preliminary notes on the mammals of the Bontebok National Park
Koedoe (21)
Stuart, C.T.; Heinecken, T.J. 1977 Preliminary report 1. The distribution and conservation of the leopard (Panthera pardus) in the Cape Province
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Heinecken, T.J. 1977 Leopard hunting in the Cape Province
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Heinecken, T.J. 1978 The proposed leopard (Panthera pardus) sanctuary (Safe-Zone) in the southern Cape
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Heinecken, T.J. 1978 The attitude of the local community
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; MacDonald, I.A.W.; Mills, M.G.L. 1985 History, Current Status and Conservation of Large Mammalian Predators in Cape Province, Republic of South Africa
Biological Conservation (31)
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. 1992 Sexual dimorphism of caracal Felis caracal in Cape Province
Journal of African Zoology (106)
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. The sex ratio of caracal (Felis caracal) collected in Cape Province, South Africa
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. 1988 Leopard in the lower Orange River Basin - a survey of their conservation status
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. 1993 Prey of leopards in the western Soutpansberg, South Africa
Journal of African Zoology (107)
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. Regional size variation and sexual dimorphism of the leopard Panthera pardus
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. A preliminary faunal survey of south-eastern Unguja (Zanzibar) with special emphasis on the leopard Panthera pardus adersi
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. Atlas Leopard conservation program
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. 1996 A leopard in the wilderness
African Wildlife (45)
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D. 1996 Various reports from the United Arab Emirates and Yemen 1995 and 1996
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Stuart, T.D.; Jongbloed, M.; Sawaf, M. 1995 Minute to Midnight - Report of a scientific survey on the status of indigenous wildlife in the United Arab Emirates executed on behalf of the Arabian Leopard Trust
Full Book
Stuart, C.T.; Wilson, V.J. 1988 The cats of Southern Africa
Full Book
Stuart-Hill, G.; Grossman, D. 1993 Parks, profits and professionalism: an overview of the introduction of lion to Pilanesberg
Stuchin, M.; Machalaba, C.M.; Olival, K.J.; Artois, M.; Bengis, R.G.; Caceres, P.; Diaz, F.; Erlacher-Vindel, E.; Forcella, S.; Leighton, F.A.; Murata, K.; Popovic, M.; Tizzani, P.; Torres, G.; Karesh, W.B. 2018 Rabies as a threat to wildlife
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (37)
Stuebing, R.B. 1998 Faunal collecting in Southeast Asia: fundamental need or blood sport?
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (46)
Su, T.; Zhang, E. 2005 A Preliminary Survey on the Presence of Indochinese tiger (_Panthera tigris corbetti_) in Yunnan Province, China
Cat News (42)
Subbiah, V.; Vijayan, P. 2016 Study of land use / land cover change on the buffer of Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve in South India
Conference Proceeding
Subbotin, A.E.; Istomov, S.V. 2009 The population status of snow leopards _Uncia uncia_ (Felidae, Carnivora) in the western Sayan mountain ridge
Doklady Biological Sciences (425)
Subekti, T. 2001 Tinjauan Terhadap Beberapa Aspek Perlaku dan Adaptasi Jaguar (_Panthera onca_ Linnaeus)
Full Book
Subramanian, S.; Rao, R.K.; Ramachandra, R.; Kumar, A. 1994 Report of the committee on prevention of illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products
Full Book
Such-Sanz, A.; L¢pez-Martin, J.M.; Gos…lbez, J. 2007 Feeding Ecology of European Wildcat in a Mediterranean Area with a Low Mammalian Prey Abundance
Conference Proceeding
Sudarmojo, S.A. 2014 Leopard detected in conservation forests in East Java
Sudhi, K.S. 2012 Colour camouflage in Kerala's Parambikulam forests
Suelberg, H. 1994 Der Kampf der Tiger - Treibjagd auf den grossen J„ger
Geo (8)
Sugimoto, T.; Aramilev, V.V.; Kerley, L.L.; Nagata, J.; Miquelle, D.G.; McCullough, D.R. 2014 Noninvasive genetic analyses for estimating population size and genetic diversity of teh remaining Far Eastern leopard (_Panthera pardus orientalis_) population
Conservation Genetics (15)
Sugimoto, T.; Aramilev, V.V.; Nagata, J.; McCullough, D.R. 2016 Winter food habits of sympatric carnivores, Amur tigers and Far Eastern leopards, in the Russian Far East
Mammalian Biology (81)
Sugimoto, T.; Nagata, J.; Aramilev, V.V.; Belozor, A.; Higashi, S.; McCullough, D.R. 2006 Species and sex identification from faecal samples of sympatric carnivores, Amur leopard and Siberian tiger, in the Russian Far East
Conservation Genetics (7)
Suharyo, S.P. 2001 Kajian teknik penangkaran harimau benggala (_Panthera tigris tigris_) di Sriracha Tiger zoo, Chonburi, Thailand dan harimau sumatera (_Panthera tagris sumatrae_) di Taman safari Indonesia, Bogor, Jawa barat
Full Book
Suk, M.; Kusta, T.; Jezek, M.; Keken, Z. 2011 Methodological aspects of monitoring of large mammals along traffic corridors: a case study
Lynx, series nova (42)
Sul, S.-J.; Williams, T.L. 2011 Big cat phylogenies, consensus trees, and computational thinking
Journal of Computational Biology (18)
Suleman, E.; Mtshali, M.S.; Lane, E. 2016 Investigation of false positives associated with loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for detection of _Toxoplasma gondii_ in archived tissue samples of captive felids
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (28)
Sulikhan, N.S.; Gilbert, M.; Blidchenko, E.Y.; Naidenko, S.V.; Ivanchuk, G.V.; Gorpenchenko, T.Y.; Alshinetskiy, M.V.; Shevtsova, E.I.; Godrich, J.M.; Lewis, J.C.M.; Goncharuk, M.S.; Uphyrkina, O.V.; Rozhnov, V.V.; Shedko, S.V.; McAloose, D.; Miquelle, D.G.; Seimon, T.A. 2018 Canine Distemper Virus in a Wild Far Eastern Leopard (_Panthera pardus orientalis_)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (54)
Sullivan, W. 1983 Rare genetic uniformity found in cheetahs
Suminski, H.R. 1982 Mountain lion predation on domestic livestock in Nevada
Conference Proceeding
Sumiya, G.; Buyantsog, B. 2002 Conservation of snow leopard in the Turgen and Tsagaan Shuvuut mountains through local involvement
Conference Proceeding
Summa, N.M.; Eshar, D.; Bichot, S.; Smith, D.A.; Moens, N.M.M. 2015 Diagnosis and surgical treatment of a complex angular hind limb deformity in a serval (_Felis serval_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (46)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)