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Omoya, E.O.; Mudumba, T.; Buckland, S.T.; Mulondo, P.
Estimating population sizes of lions_ Panthera leo_ and spotted hyaenas _Crocuta crocuta_ in Uganda's savannah parks, using lure count methods
2014  Oryx (48): 394-401

Despite .60 years of conservation in Uganda's national parks the populations of lions and spotted hyaenas in these areas have never been estimated using a census method. Estimates for some sites have been extrapolated to other protected areas and educated guesses have been made but there has been nothing more definitive. We used a lure count analysis method of call-up counts to estimate populations of the lion _Panthera leo_ and spotted hyaena _Crocuta crocuta_ in the parks where reasonable numbers of these species exist: Queen Elizabeth Protected Area, Murchison Falls Conservation Area and Kidepo Valley National Park. We estimated a total of 408 lions and 324 hyaenas for these three conservation areas. It is unlikely that other conservation areas in Uganda host.10 lions or.40 hyaenas. The Queen Elizabeth Protected Area had the largest populations of lions and hyaenas: 140 and 211, respectively. It is estimated that lion numbers have declined by 30% in this protected area since the late 1990s and there are increasing concerns for the long-term viability of both species in Uganda.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)