IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Sadler, R.; Schumacher, J.; Ramsay, E.; McCleery, B.; Baine, K.; Thomas, W.; Nobrega-Lee, M.; Henry, G.A.; Newman, S.J.
Progressive syringohydromyelia and degenerative axonopathy in a bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) following surgical correction of a chiari-like malformation
2016  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (47): 329-332

A 3-yr-old male captive bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) presented with chronic ataxia and right-sided head tilt. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed cerebellar crowding and compression consistent with Chiari-like malformation. The clinical signs did not improve after surgical occipital craniectomy, and 2 mo postoperatively a second MRI showed hydromyelia and continued cerebellar compression. The bobcat was euthanized, and necropsy showed chronic focal cerebellar herniation and chronic multifocal atlanto-occipital joint osteophyte proliferation. Histology confirmed the presence of a thick fibrous membrane along the caudal aspect of the cerebellar vermis, suggestive of postoperative adhesions, and axonal degeneration of the cervical spinal cord, even in sections without a central canal lesion. These lesions appear to have been complications associated with surgical correction of the Chiari-like malformation.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)