IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Summa, N.M.; Eshar, D.; Bichot, S.; Smith, D.A.; Moens, N.M.M.
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of a complex angular hind limb deformity in a serval (_Felis serval_)
2015  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (46): 609-612

A 2-yr-old neutered male pet serval (_Felis serval_) was presented for progressive hind limb lameness that started at 6 mo of age. Previous therapy included only nutritional supplementation. Direct and video gait analysis confirmed bilateral hind limb lameness, more severe on the right. Physical examination and radiography revealed a multifocal complex bilateral angular deformity with a significant rotational component. A right tibial corrective osteotomy was followed by internal rotation and stabilization with a 2.7-mm eight-hole locking compression plate and locking screws. Other deformities were not corrected. Clinical improvement was noted immediately and has been maintained over the 16-mo follow-up.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)