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Davies, C.A.W.
A man-eating panther
1891  Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (6): 108-110

I beg to forward three fingers of a boy of about 12 years of age, found in the stomach of a man-eating panther, shot on the 13th of last month. He was the only son of a Banjari woman, who with some 10 or 12 others, had put up in the open for the night, on her way to the Nizam's Dominions, in a tigerish-looking country, surrounded by hills covered with brushwood. It had rained a little during the first part of the night and the pardy did not, though fatigued after their journey, get to sleep till after midnight. Shortly after, the mother was disturbed by feeling the covering over her boy roughly dragged away, and, missing her son, who had gone to sleep by her side, raised an alarm, but the intense darkness of the night, and in absence of a light, rendered anything like a successful search impossible; and nothing remained for the poor mother, stunned with the horrible fear of what had happened, but to wait for the break of day, which, to her, came slowly indeed, and when it did come, afforded no relief, but brought with it the confirmation of her worst fears that her son had been carried off.

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