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Neal, D.L.; Steger, G.N.; Bertram, R.C.
Mountain lions: preliminary findings on home-range use and density in the Central Sierra Nevada
1987  Series

Between August 1983 and December 1985, 19 mountain lions were captured, radio equipped, and monitored daily within a portion of the North Kings deer herd range on the west slope of the central Sierra Nevada in California. The density of adult mountain lions was estimated to be one per 33.3 km2; that of adults and kittens together was estimated to be one per 20.9 km2. Home-ranges averaged 265 km2 for adult females and 350 km2 for adult males. Home range overlap was high among females, among males, and between males and females. Some mountain lions migrated elevationally with the deer, but others remained at low elevations throughout the year. The preliminary results of this study suggest that mountain lions could be limiting the North Kings deer herd.

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