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Zapata-Rios, G.; Araguillin, E.; Jorgenson, J.P.
Caracterizaci¢n de la comunidad de mam¡feros no voladores en las estribaciones orientales de la cordillera del Kutuk£, Amazon¡a Ecuatoriana
2006  Mastozoologia Neotropical (13): 227-238

The eastern slopes of the Andes in Ecuador are considered among the global biodiversity "hotspots". Although the region harbors a rich mammal fauna, few surveys of non-volant mammals have been conducted. This paper presents the results of an intensive survey of 11 months (November 2001 - September 2002) of the medium to large non-volant mammals in the upper Mangosiza River Basin, eastern slopes of the Kutuk£ mountain range, southeastern Ecuadorian Amazon. Using line transects, indirect records of tracks and signs, camera trapping, and interviews to local people, we recorded a total of 47 species of mammals (including 2 marsupials, 9 xenarthrans, 8 primates, 16 carnivores, 4 ungulates, 7 rodents, and 1 lagomorph).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)