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Sunarto,; Widodo, E.; Priatna, D.
Rajut Belang - Better management practices guideline for oil palm plantations and industrial forestry plantation in supporting tiger conservation
2008  Full Book

A practical guideline for companies on how to improve their management practices (more commonly known as Best or Better Management Practices or BMP) in the plantation and industrial forestry plantation sector. This book precisely serves to fill such need. This guideline has been resulted from a series of processes, starting from bibliographical studies, research, and site visits as well as discussions with experts and practitioners in the plantation and industrial forestry plantation sector. In due consideration to the diversity of conditions in the field, owing to the different contexts prevailing for each plantation area or industrial plant forest area in a landscape, differences in management systems, and so on, this book is not intended to provide a thoroughly detailed, step-by-step instruction in the manner of a cooking book. Instead, in this book we simply explicate the principles for better management practices that need to be understood and then adopted to the currently available mechanisms, and applied by companies. This book consists of five parts, each having a different focal point. In the beginning are presented BMP principles in relation to conservation, their benefits for companies and the environment, as well as the linkage between the BMP and similar schemes, such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and Sustainable Forest Management (SMP) principles and criteria. Also in Chapter I is detailed the ecology of the tiger, its conservation status, habitat needs, and characteristics of conflict as well as ways to prevent conflict. Chapter II provides a glancing look on the characteristics of the oil palm industry and its relation to tiger conservation. This chapter explains the development of oil palm plantations alongside the various roles that must be optimized so that an oil palm plantation may support tiger conservation efforts. Chapter III, like Chapter II, clarifies the same aspects but in the context of an industrial forestry plantations. Chapter IV summarizes and reinforces a number of elements required for tiger conservation, especially in buffer zones, which require the support from many parties in order to thrive, especially companies with oil palm plantation and industrial plant forest concessions. In the fifth and final chapter of the book we present recommendations for effective implementation of the guideline by companies, so that the benefits for the tigers, the environment in general, and the companies that follow this guideline, can become apparent.

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