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Neiburger, E.J.; Patterson, B.D.
A forensic dental determination of serial killings by three African lions
2002  General Dentistry (January-February 2002): 40-42

Forensic dentistry's role in solving homicide cases in not limited to victim and other human identifications. This science also can apply to perpetrators, human as well as animal, and can clarify historical incidents that occurred many years ago. In two cases, more than 90 years apart, three African lions were jointly responsible for the killing of 141 humans for food, replacing their normal animal prey. A thorough dental analysis identified pathologies that may have forced the cats to select slower and less trouble-some prey (humans) over their traditional food sources. The uncanny ability of these lions to avoid traps, ambushes, and gunfire while they continued to prey on so many well-armed and forewarned men remains unexplained.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)