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Sunquist, M.E.
The social organization of tigers (_Panthera tigris_) in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
1981  Series

The movements and social-spatial system of tigers were studied using radiotelemetry. A total of seven tigers was radio-tracked for varying periods from December 1974 to September 1976. Population characteristics are described and examined in relation to information from other studies. Seasonal activity patterns and habitat use of tigers are detailed and evaluated with regard to several environmental parameters. Daily and seasonal movements of animals are emphasized and discusses in relation to foraging, reproductive activity, and territoriality. Estimates of the extent to which tigers of various sex and age classes socialize, and the circumstances under which they do so, are presented and considered with respect to factors promoting and maintaininga solitary and dispersed social system. Various aspects of the feeding ecology of tigers are detailed and incorporated into an assessment of the impact of predation on prey populations. Results from this sutdy are then viewed in an evolutionary perspective in comparison with the lion (_Panthera leo_).

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)