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Gebresenbet, F.; Bauer, H.; Hunter, L.; Gebretensae, K.
Proceedings of the National Lion Conservation Workshop
2009  Conference Proceeding

Large carnivores in Ethiopia are facing a serious threat to their survival, like most wild other animals. Lions, which are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, are no exception. The challenges to the conservation of lions are wide ranging and little is known about the distribution, numbers, location and other information on Ethiopian lions. Furthermore, efforts and knowledge are scattered over different GOs of the different regional states and conservation oriented NGOs. To fill this gap, a First National Lion Conservation Workshop was jointly organized by the Fleimish Interuniversity Council (VLIR), Mekelle University, Panthera Foundation, Born Free Foundation and the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA). It was conducted on 12 June, 2009 in Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa. It brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, a total of forty three people. Participants came from different national parks (eight of the eleven protected areas with lions), natural resource department heads from regional bureaus of agriculture (three of the five regions with resident lions), universities (Addis Ababa, Jimma and Mekelle), Wondo Genet College of Forestry and EWCA. Different conservation oriented NGOs and resource persons were also in attendance.The first objective of the workshop was to gather informationand amend the existing lion distribution map published by IUCN in 2006. In addition to this, the workshop aimed at bringing together stakeholders for lion conservation in Ethiopia. It was also intended to identify (and prioritize) the threats that Ethiopian lions face and the problems for their conservation. By doing these, it was thought that the participants will be able to set (and prioritize) the agendas for research and conservation activities on Ethiopian lions.

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