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de Iongh, H.; Tumenta, P.; Croes, B.; Funston, P.; Bauer, H.; De Haes, H.U.
Threat of a lion population extinction in Waza National Park, North Cameroon
2009  Cat News (50): 26-27

In this short note we want to publicise recent reports on killing of lions in Waza National Park, northern Cameroon. Population surveys in the 1990s resulted in an estimate of 50-60 lions (Bauer & de Iongh 2005, de Iongh & Bauer 2008). The population was reassessed in 2008 and was estimated to be 14-21 adult individuals (Van Rijssel 2008, Tumenta et al. in press). We fear that this lion population may become extinct very soon if no measures are taken to improve protection in the park.

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