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Randveer, T.
The attitude of Estonians towards large carnivores
2006  Acta Zoologica lituanica (16): 119-123

When planning the management of large predators, wildlife managers have to take into account the attitude of the population. A relevant poll using a unified methodology was arranged in three Baltic countries, Poland and Norway. In Estonia, completed questionnaires were received from 1,700 people. Along with personal data (incl. demographic characteristics: sex, age, level of education, etc.), a questionnaire posed 22 different questions designed to reveal the respondents.: attitude towards population size and dispersal patterns of large predators; acceptable distance to large carnivores; personal experience with large carnivores; confidence in various institutions in matters concerning large predators; general (and environmental) values and attitudes in life as a background. Survey results confirm that hatred for and fear of large predators are generally not characteristic of Estonians. Extreme views are almost completely lacking and a rational attitude seems to prevail. To the majority of the respondents the present number of large predators appears to be ideal.

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