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Ram¡rez Bravo, O.E.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A.
Analysis of Factors that Affect Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) Abundance Along its Distribution
2007  Conference Proceeding

A few studies have determined jaguar density, where available data shows a great variation between study areas, where authors consider a similar density along the entire jaguar range. The present study reviews 23 studies using the number of sightings, as they relate to density, and to avoid any methodology biases and increase samples size. In the case of track collection, only hunted animals were used to avoid overestimation. Factors such as temperature, precipitation, study area size, and length of study were analyzed. The number of sightings was plotted against latitude, to determine patterns throughout jaguar distribution. We show that temperature and precipitation had no effect on jaguar distribution, which can be explained through similar environmental characteristics in all studies. In the other hand study area size and study length have a strong relationship with number of sightings. This indicates that differences between studies could be related to site pre-selection with high densities. Similarly, we observe a trend to have a concentration of sightings in certain areas, which can be translated as a metapopulation distribution. Further research is needed to comprehend jaguar concentrations and their temporal dynamics. With this information, a series of reserves could be proposed along the continent.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)