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Sunarto, S.; Klenzendorf, S.; Hutajulu, M.B.; Kelly, M.; Vaughan, M.; Nichols, J.
Sumatran Tigers in Riau: Estimating the Abundance in Three Major Habitat Types
2007  Conference Proceeding

Despite its critical status, the distribution and population status of the Sumatran tiger (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) remains unknown in Riau Province. To estimate the abundance of tigers we used camera trapping data with standardized capture-mark-recapture (CMR) protocols. We systematically sampled 86 sites located in four blocks that represent three major habitat types in the landscape. We accumulated 13,406 camera trap nights, covered 2,123 km2 of effective sampling area, and obtained 58 independent tiger pictures. We photographed nine individual tigers under CMR protocols, plus four individuals during ad hoc samplings. We pooled tiger data across sampling blocks to run in Program CAPTURE. We estimated adult tiger density in forest habitat to be 0.94 individual/100km2 (95% CI: 0.35 to 1.53). Relative density estimates for each block were derived based on the proportion of tigers captured, taking into account the effective sampling area of each block. Highest density of adult tigers (individuals/100km2) was documented from Kerumutan (wet flat forests, 1.27 to 5.5), followed by Rimbang-Baling (hilly forests, 0.92 to 4.03), and Tesso-Nilo (dry flat forests, 0.64 to 1.4). The influence of factors - such as level of disturbance from human activities, and index of prey abundance - on tiger density are discussed.

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