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Maclennan, S.D.; Groom, R.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Frank, L.G.
Evaluation of a compensation scheme to bring about pastoralist tolerance of lions
2009  Biological Conservation (142): 2419-2427

Lions (_Panthera leo_) are in decline throughout most of their range due to human persecution, largely provoked by depredation on livestock, and there is debate as to the usefulness of financial instruments to mitigate this conflict. Intending to reduce local lion-killing, the Mbirikani Predator Compensation Fund compensates members of Mbirikani Group Ranch for livestock depredation at a flat rate (close to average market value), after the kill has been verified and with penalties imposed for poor husbandry. Despite penalizing claimants, 55% of claims arose because livestock were lost in the bush. Between 1st April 2003 and 31st December 2006, 754 cattle, 80 donkeys and 1844 sheep/goats were killed (2.31% of the total livestock herd each year). Forty-three percent of kills were ascribed to spotted hyaenas (_Crocuta crocuta_); leopards (_Panthera pardus_) and cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_) were blamed for 37% of cases, lions 7%, jackals (_Canis mesomelas_) 7% and buffalo (_Syncerus caffer_) and elephants (_Loxodonta africana_) together 6%. Significantly more attacks took place during months of lower rainfall but the rate of attacks was not related to the density of livestock on the ranch, or the ratio of wild herbivores to domestic stock. There was no correlation between local market prices and the number of claims per month. Despite compensation, at least one lion per year was killed in 2004, 2005 and 2006. We describe some features of large carnivore depredation in the study area and suggest that regional recovery of the lion population may require compensation on a wider scale.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)