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Pellerin, M.; Kidjo, F.; Tehou, A.; Sogbohossou, E.A.; Ayegnon, D.; Chardonnet, P.
Statut de conservation du lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus, 1758) au Benin
2009  Full Book

The IUCN/SSC organised two regional workshops, one for West and Central Africa (2005) and one for Eastern and Southern Africa (2006), with the intention to gather major stakeholders and to produce regional conservation strategies for the lion. The Benin authorities in charge of wildlife took part in the regional exercise for establishing the Regional Conservation Strategy for the Lion in West and Central Africa. They recognized the importance of establishing a National Action Plan for the Lion in Benin and realized the lack of comprehensive information on the species in numerous areas of the country. A survey has been launched to update the conservation status of the lion in Benin. The final report of this survey is expected to become a comprehensive material for submission as a contribution to a forthcoming National Action Plan workshop. The current report describes the different methods used and the results obtained. A database has been set up to collect and analyse the information available as well as the information generated by specific inquiries. Eight thematic maps have been drawn. The lion range in Benin is approximately 87300 km2, i.e. 76% of the terrestrial surface of the country, of which 30500 km2 only, i.e. 27% of the terrestrial surface of the country (and 35% of the distribution area), corresponds to permanent presence. An assessment of the lion population size has been attempted with a tentative minimum number of 390 individuals in Benin at this stage. The lion appears unevenly distributed: a majority of the lion range with permanent presence lies in Protected Areas (24% out of 35%), especially National Parks and Hunting Areas, while a majority of the lion range with temporary presence lies outside Protected Areas (58% out of 65%). In line with the regional Lion Conservation Units (LCUs), 2 LCUs are suggested for Benin. Human-lion conflicts are not frequent in this country, except in northern Benin near W and Pendjari National Parks. The main threat to lion in the growing and rapid agricultural and pastoral encroachment on natural habitats for lion and preys.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)