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Davenport, M.A.; Nielsen, C.K.; Mangun, J.C.
Attitudes toward mountain lion management in the Midwest: implications for a potentially recolonizing large predator
2010  Human Dimensions of Wildlife (15): 373-388

Mountain lion (_Puma concolor_) confirmations in the Midwest have increased considerably, indicating a potential recolonization event. Although the ecological, social, and economic implications of recolonization are of considerable interest to managers and the general public, no studies have yet assessed human attitudes toward mountain lion management in the region.We surveyed Kentucky and North Dakota residents and found differences in their mountain lion experience histories, beliefs, trust in information, and support for mountain lion management options. North Dakota respondents' support for mountain lion protection appeared to be a function of their basic normative beliefs, while Kentucky respondents were influenced more so by affective responses. Hunters in both groups were more likely to support mountain lion control than protection. As managers address potential recolonization of mountain lions in the Midwest through adaptive management strategies, targeted and proactive communication with diverse groups will be critical.

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)