CBD-Habitat. Proyecto LIFE
Naturaleza "Conservación del Lince Ibérico en Montes de
Toledo-Guadalmena". LIFE 02 / NAT / E / 8617. Description of the project,
from the CBD-Habitat website,
CBD-Habitat. Proyecto LIFE Naturaleza
"Conservación del Lince Ibérico en Sierra Morena Oriental". LIFE 02 /
NAT / E / 8609. Description of the project, from the CBD-Habitat website,
CBD-Habitat. 2004. Vamos a salvar a nuestro lince de la
extinción! p.1-34. Madrid,
Fundación CBD-Habitat.
brochure explaining why the Iberian lynx only exist in Spain and Portugal, why
it is the most endangered cat of the world, why it is a symbol for the world
conservation, why we need it in our mountains. The story of the farmer Manuel
during the seasons.