Sarmento, P., Cruz, J., and
Tarroso, P. 2003. Recovery of habitats and preys of Lynx pardinus in Serra da
Malcata. UE Life project final report. ICN/RNSM: 1-59.
Serra da Malcata, a protected
area created in 1981 for conserving natural habitats and priority species, such
as the Iberian lynx, constitutes a top priority area for future reintroduction.
Within this context, it is necessary to undertake intensive measures of habitat
recovery and prey species increasing, in order to make long-term Iberian lynx
reintroduction possible. The current project has as main goal the development
of an integrated Iberian lynx ecosystem recovery process in order to achieve
the following objectives: 1. Manage the lynx ecosystem in order to optimise its
suitability for the species; 2. Increase wild-rabbit density; 3. Control human
persecution; 4. Contribute towards the increase of public awareness towards the
species' conservation; 5. Augment scientific knowledge on the lynx, preys and
other elements of the Mediterranean ecosystem.
Sarmento_et_al_2003_Serra_da_Malcata_Life_project_report_pp1-19.pdf Sarmento_et_al_2003_Serra_da_Malcata_Life_project_report_pp20-39.pdf Sarmento_et_al_2003_Serra_da_Malcata_Life_project_report_pp40-59.pdf
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