Funding — Financiación — Financiamento

> EU Framework Programme 2007-2013 (FP7)
> Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung
> Fauna & Flora International
> Tips from the IUCN/SSC
> Private initiatives





LIFE contributes to the implementation, development and enhancement of the Community environmental policy and legislation as well as the integration of the environment into other EU policies. LIFE also supports the development of new solutions to environmental problems facing the EU. LIFE works towards the implementation of Community policy defined by the Sixth Action Programme for the Environment based on a practical approach. (link)



European Commission. 2002. The Financial Instrument for the Environment /
El Instrumento Financiero para el Medio Ambiente.

Luxembourg, European Commission, Directorate-General for the Environment: 1-6.

This brochure presents an overview of the 3 thematic components of LIFE III: LIFE-Nature, LIFE-Environment and LIFE-Third Countries. The brochure includes examples of current projects in the EU and accession countries for each component.
More information is available on the LIFE homepage. User-friendly databases contain brief descriptions of LIFE-Nature, LIFE-Environment and LIFE-Third countries projects funded since 1992. The full text of the LIFE Regulation and the infopacks for each LIFE component - including information on how to apply for funding, project selection criteria and application forms - can be found on the LIFE homepage.

© European Commission



European Commission. 2004.
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Financing Natura 2000.

Brussels, 15.07.2004, European Commission.
COM(2004)431: 1-11.

Contents: Natura 2000: The Natura 2000 network - Current State and the Way Forward; Managing Natura 2000 - the Costs and the Benefits / Towards a Framework for Community Co-financing: Community Co-financing for the Natura 2000 network - The Legal Base; EU Financing Instruments - Current Co-financing / Conclusions and Next Steps.




Information from the LIFE website (European Commission):

LIFE III - The Financial Instrument for the Environment.
Essential facts about LIFE (Financing, Objectives, Participation) with links for more background information.

The LIFE Programme - A brief history of EU environmental financing.
Information on the history of LIFE: From ACE - Action Communautaire pour l'Environment (1984-1991) and MEDSPA (Mediterranean: 1986-1991) as well as NORSPA (Northern European maritime regions: 1989-1991) to The ACNAT interlude (Actions by the Community of Nature) and The LIFE Programme. First phase of LIFE (1992-1995), LIFE II (1996-1999), LIFE III (2000-2004) and the extension of LIFE III until the end of 2006 plus introduction to LIFE+.

How to apply for LIFE funding.
In these pages, you will find practical information on how to apply for funding under LIFE-Environment (demonstration and preparatory projects), LIFE-Nature and LIFE-Third Countries: annual deadlines, application forms, who to contact etc.

LIFE-Nature: How to apply for funding?
The LIFE-Nature Application Form for 2006, Guidelines for the evaluation of LIFE-Nature proposals 2006, Tips for beneficiaries/applicants

Reference documents.
Links to Key EU Documents regarding LIFE: Sixth Environment Action Programme, Environmental Technologies Action Plan, "LIFE-NATURE: A step by step guide to preparing a project proposal", Habitats Directive and Birds Directive, EU Legislative Texts.


EU Framework Programme 2007-2013 (FP7)



The EU's framework programmes for research and technological development are the Commission's main instrument for funding European research. Although the current 6th Framework Programme (FP6) will still run until 2006, debates have already started on the budget, structure and priorities of FP7. (link)



European Commission. 2005.
EU research - Building Knowledge Europe: The EU's new Research Framework Programme 2007-2013.
Brussels, 7 April 2005, European Commission press release. MEMO/05/114: 1-6.

On 6 April the European Commission adopted a proposal for a new EU programme for Research. The proposal provides new impetus to increase Europe's growth and competitiveness, recognising that knowledge is Europe's greatest resource. The programme places greater emphasis than in the past on research that is relevant to the needs of European industry, to help it compete internationally, and develop its role as a world leader in certain sectors. The programme will also for the first time provide support for the best in European investigator-driven research, with the creation of a European Research Council. Focus will be on excellence throughout the programme, a requirement if it is to play its role in developing Europe's global competitiveness. Another priority will be to make participation in the programme simpler and easier, through measures addressing the procedures, plus a rationalisation of instruments In spite of this newapproach, there are many elements of continuity: in practice, for the majority of participants, the programme itself will not change, but participation will become simpler.







WWF has contributed to Iberian lynx conservation through the creation and sponsorship of the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE), which has led to the development of an action plan for the Iberian lynx among other species. (link)
Also, the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group was kindly supported by WWF Netherlands for its efforts for Iberian lynx conservation.



Iberian lynx: A great cat in a shrinking space - Information from the WWF International website (







Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung for Environment and Nature Conservation is a private foundation located in Bremen, Germany. It was founded by Manfred Hermsen in 2001. Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung solely pursues non-profit objectives and promotes environmental and nature conservation issues at a global level. The prime objectives of the foundation are the protection and safeguarding of the natural environment, habitats and endangered species, in particular large carnivores, migrating species and medicinal plants. Further focal issues are the conservation of coastal and freshwater ecosystems and protected areas management. To achieve its objectives, Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung both designs and implements its own projects and provides financial support to selected partners. At present the foundation is committed to projects across Europe, Latin America and Asia. The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is the most endangered cat species world-wide, which is one of the reasons for Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung to contribute to the struggle to save the species from extinction. Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung supported the IUCN-SSC Cat Specialist Group in their efforts to bring all stakeholders in Iberian lynx conservation together, develop an Iberian Lynx Compendium and in mapping potential lynx areas; the foundation is dedicated to continue the support of promising initiatives and programmes to save the Iberian lynx. (contact see institutions)



Fauna & Flora International



"Founded in 1903, FFI is the world’s longest established international conservation body. It is one of the few organizations whose remit is to protect the entire spectrum of endangered plant and animal species on the planet. We provide support to conservation initiatives throughout the world, in the form of partnerships, technical assistance, direct funding and consultancy." (link)



Fauna & Flora International.
A Step in the Right Direction.

Flora & Fauna International website: link.

FFI staff and supporters are pulling together to raise support for the Iberian lynx. The response to the fundraising appeal launched in December 2003 demonstrated the strength of support for work in this field.  These funds are vital to the implementation of FFI's strategy for the Iberian lynx. The strategy, which aims to complement and build upon the activities of others in both Portugal and Spain, will secure a cross-border corridor of habitat under favourable management for this threatened cat. The corridor will allow for the expansion and reconnection of isolated lynx populations and for the secure reintroduction of captive-bred individuals.

Fauna_&_Flora_International_ Eurasia_-_Iberian_Lynx_support.pdf



Tips from the IUCN/SSC



The information is from the SSC Members' Toolkit, a package of information designed to help the IUCN/SSC network in critical areas such as fundraising and communication. It will be further developed in the coming months. (link)



IUCN SSC. 2005.
A Guide to Seeking Funding from Foundations.

IUCN Species Survival Commission website: 1-12 (link).

The guide applies to funding efforts that target foundations. It is based on notes taken by a former SSC staff member attending a course given by the Foundation Center in San Francisco. It contents information on: The budget component in a funding proposal, Definition of a project budget, Typical elements of a budget, Summary of budget preparation, Further information on foundations, Some foundations worth targeting.




IUCN SSC. 2005.
Small Grants Facilities and Other Funding Opportunities.

IUCN Species Survival Commission website: 1-36 (link).

Provides an overview of some of the funding opportunities that might be of interest to SSC members [and others]. It is essential to ensure that the project you wish to finance falls within the scope of the organization's support and that you fully understand the organization's application requirements.




Private Initiatives



On private initiatives aiming to support the conservation of the Iberian lynx.



One Planet Living project in Portugal.
It is a joint BioRegional - WWF initiative, set up to create a world-wide network of sustainable communities. A percentage of the sale of each home will be donated to lynx conservation projects and other programmes.
Source and more information: LynxBrief No. 2, March 2005 (link)

Cork producer Correggi Group.
Is developing a "lynx label" to promote the conservation of the Iberian lynx and the sustainable use and protection of cork forests, a key lynx habitat. A percentage of the sale of each cork to wine producers will be donated to lynx conservation projects.
Source and more information:
LynxBrief No. 2, March 2005 (link)

Algarve United football team.
This recently created football team has the lynx in their logo and will be donating 10% of ticket sales and membership fees to fund long-term Iberian lynx conservation in Portugal (e.g. habitat improvement in the Algarve).
Source and more information: LynxBrief No. 4, June 2005 (link)



Home - (c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)