Material & Methods — Materiales & Métodos — Materiais e Métodos


Célio Alves, P. and Ferreira, C. 2004.
Protocolo de Colaboração no âmbito do projecto "Revisão do Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal". Linha de Acção 3) Determinação da abundância relativa das populações de coelho-bravo (Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus) em Portugal Continental: 1-32.
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos CIBIO, ICETA - Universidade do Porto.

Determination of the relative abundance of rabbit populations in continental Portugal.
Methodology (pp. 4-7): field work, inquiries, hunting bag statistics; data analysis: relative rabbit abundance, population tendency.
Field protocols
(Annex pp. 22-32): determination of the relative abundance of rabbit populations, information paper on the methodology to use, questionnaire.



Conservacion Ex-situ Lince Iberico. 2004.
Programa de Funcionamiento.

Centro de Cría del Lince Ibérico El Acebuche, Parque Nacional de Doñana: 1-50.

Content: Conservation Breeding Centre El Acebuche: Information on Infrastructure, Working routine, Quarantine, Environmental Enrichment, Emergency plan, Manual on the artificial rearing of lynx kittens. 

© Centro de Cría del Lince Ibérico El Acebuche


Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. 2004
Borrador: Guia de manejo en cautividad del lince iberico (
Lynx pardinus
: p.1-17.

Guide for handling Iberian lynx in captivity: Installations (design, dimensions, furnishing, handling, environmental enrichment), Nutrition (requirements, diet), Reproduction (description of the cycle, handling of the reproducing animals), Breeding (handling of the cubs, hand rearing), Technics of assisted reproduction.




Ex-situ Conservation Team.
Iberian Lynx Fecal Colletion Protocol.




Fernández, N.
Protocolo utilizado para el muestreo anual de abundancias relativas de conejos en Doñana
, 2pp.
Grupo de Carnívoros - Estación Biológica de Doñana, C.S.I.C.
Protocol used for the yearly surveillance of relative rabbit abundance in Doñana (design, period, protocol).




García, F. J. 2003.
Revisión de las actuaciones para el fomento de las poblaciones del conejo monte. 1er Informe annual:
TRAGSA for the Dirección General de Conservación en España (D.G.C.N.) of the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (Ministry of Environment: M.M.A.). Noviembre 2003.

The report compiles the work realized during the first years of work on the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and the revision of the realized actions for the support of its populations and the restoration of its habitats, with special interest in the efforts made in the Spanish lynx areas.

Methods:  The methods used for rabbit recovery in different regions/by different organizations are discribed (information on habitat improvements, rabbit repopulations, constructions of artificial burrows, monitoring). Illustrations of the main types of artificial burrows generally used are given.


© F.J. García


Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios del Lince Ibérico. 2004.
Manual Clínico del Lince Ibérico
: 1-21. 
Primer borrador: Noviembre 2004.

The present clinical manual has two objectives: the first and most important is to establish how to manipulate and anesthetize Iberian lynx in a secure manner, and second to standardize the physical examination and collection of measures of these animals to maximize its diagnostic and scientific utilization.



© Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios



Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios del Lince Ibérico. 2004.
Manual de crianza artificial de cachorros de lince ibérico
: 1-21.
Primer borrador: octubre 2004.

Manual for the artificial rearing of Iberian lynx kittens (reception, accomodation, husbandry, nutrition, socialization, sanitary aspects, and others).



© Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios


Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios del Lince Ibérico. 2004.
Manual de Necropsias de Lince Ibérico
: 1-15.
Última edición: noviembre del 2004

Necropsy manual for the Iberian lynx, elaborated by the Vet Advisory Group. Content: Necropsy protocol, taking measurements, material needed, conservations of the remains, list of measurements.


© Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios



Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios del Lince Ibérico. 2004.
Incidencias y mortalidad de lince ibérico registradas en el area de Doñana
: 1-22.
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Doñana Parque Nacional.

Table with the dates of 89 dead lynx registered in the Doñana area from 1982-2004 (name, sex, age, radio-equipped, date of death, cause of death, location, observations).



Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios del Lince Ibérico. 2004.
Que hacer ante la aparición de un lince ibérico muerto, enfermo o herido? Protocolo de Actuación.
Junta de Andalucía.

Instructions on what should be done before approaching a dead, sick or injured Iberian lynx (finding, recognition, transport, destination).



© Grupo Asesor de Aspectos Sanitarios



Guzman, J. N., García, F. J., Garrote Alonso, G., Pérez de Ayala Balzola, R., Iglesias Llamas, C., and Heredia Armada, B. 2002.
Censo-diagnóstico de las poblaciones de lince ibérico Lynx pardinus en España (2000-2002).
Extract of pages 15-33 on the survey methods used.

Lynx sightings; indirect indications (sign surveys): sampling design, scat identification, track identification, validation of the method (high density vs. medium-low density areas); unsystematic sampling; camera-trapping: description of the technic, sampling design, validation of the method (different density areas); general output of the methods available.

(full document see surveys > status reports Spain)


Junta de Andalucía. 2003.
Dossier de Protocolos de Actuacion y Seguimiento del proyecto (LIFE02NAT/E/8609)
: 1-48.

Protocols for actions in regard to habitat improvementshrub management; seeding of pastures; method to capture rabbits;  management of the intensive rabbit breeding enclosures, the in-situ rabbit breeding enclosures and the rabbit acclimatization enclosures; rabbit repopulation.
Protocols for the surveillance of the rabbit and lynx populations
: monitoring of the rabbit populations by means of indirect census of scat countings and direct countings of rabbits, intensive monitoring of rabbits in lynx areas in a 2,5 km raster, systematic monitoring of the Iberian lynx, camera-trapping, sampling of stuffed specimens, coordination of the sanitary surveillance of the wild lynx populations.

© Junta de Andalucía



Junta de Andalucía. 2004.
Esquema del diseño del armazón de la trueca artificial y prototipo construido

Design of the trestle of the artificial trunk (for lynx breeding) and prototyp constructed.




Junta de Andalucía.
Protocolo para el seguimiento de cercados de cría de conejo
: 1-4.

Protocol for the monitoring of the breeding enclosures for rabbit (Methodology for the survey, data collection, counting of scats and latrines).



Junta de Andalucía.
Protocolo de recogida de animales muertos/enfermos
: 1-2.

Protocol for picking up dead/sick animals.




Blanco, J. C., Barrios, L., González Oreja, J. A., González Vásquez, J. G., Garza, V., Crema, G., Rodriguez, A., Gragera, F., Jordán, G., and Villafuerte, R. 1997.
Inventario, Situación y Plan de Recuperación del Lince Ibérico en Extremadura

Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Urbanismo y Turismo. Consultores en Biología de la Conservación.
Extract of Chapters 4 (pp. 25-36) and 7 (129-175) on methods used for the lynx and rabbit surveys.

Chapter 4: Methods for lynx census; methods used in the present study: field work (sightings of lynx presence with the help of interviews and search for signs, situation of the habitat and rabbit populations, lynx problematic), data analysis (criteria for the delimitation of the distribution areas of the lynx, criteria to estimate the lynx abundance and the evolution of the lynx populations), criteria for the zonation of the lynx in Extremadura.
Chapter 7: Methods to increase the rabbit density: indirect methods (increase of the food availability, enhancement of water places, improvement of refuges, reduction of the losses) and direct methods (repopulations).

(full document see surveys > status reports Spain)


Lacy, B. and Vargas, A. 2004.
Informe sobre la gestión genética y demográfica del programa de cría para la conservación del lince ibérico: escenarios, conclusiones y recomendaciones
: 1-15.
Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Programa de Cría para la Conservación Lince Ibérico, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.

Report on the genetic and demographic management of the breeding programme for the conservation of the Iberian lynx: Scenarios, conclusions and recommendations.



© B. Lacy & A. Vargas



Sarmento, P., Cruz, J., Monterroso, P., Tarroso, P., Negrões, N., and Ferreira ,C. 2004.
The Iberian Lynx in Portugal. Status survey and conservation action plan.
Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza ICN. Internal report.
Extract of the pages 11-19 on the field survey methods.
Information on: Creating the system, sign searching techniques (focus zones, collected data, sampling effort), camera trapping (photographic devices, attractants, target areas, camera placement, relative abundance of non-target species), box-trapping, lynx detection probability.

(full document see surveys > status reports Portugal)


Sarmento, P., Cruz, J., and Tarroso, P. 2003.
Recovery of habitats and preys of Lynx pardinus in Serra da Malcata.
UE Life project final report. ICN/RNSM: 1-59.

Description of the actions carried out: increasing the natural regeneration and density of native tree species, substitution of old trees by new ones in previous plantations, plantation of fruit trees, artificial rabbit warrens, construction of a captive breeding centre for rabbits, recovery of olive groves and chestnut tree plantations, prescription burning in pastures, creation of pastures, management of shrubs through prescribed fire, poaching and forest fires patrolling, rabbita vaccination campaigns, rabbit restocking operations, analysis of the incidence of rabbit epizootic diseases, educational actions, and others.


© C. Carrapato / P.Sarmento et al.



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