Bern Convention
M. Lorentz
The Bern Convention was adopted in Bern in 1979 and entered into force in 1982. It is a binding international legal instrument in nature conservation and covers most of the natural heritage of the European continent but extends to some African States. It is the only regional Convention of its kind.
Many species are seriously depleted or even face extinction. For species and habitat conservation, international cooperation and action is needed. In this regard, the Bern Convention is an important tool for the conservation of European wildlife. Currently, fifty countries and the European Union have signed up for the Convention.
The Bern Convention aims to:
ensure the conservation of European wildlife and nature habitats;
conserve species and habitats whose conservation requires the cooperation of several States;
promote cooperation between States to conserve wild species;
conserve and monitor endangered and vulnerable species, including migratory ones;
assist with the provision of legal and scientific assistance
How it works:
The institutional framework consists of the different bodies listed below:
The Standing Committee consists of representatives of the Parties of which each has one vote. National and international NGOs and agencies can also be represented having an observer role. It is responsible for:
reviewing reports and processing case-files;
making recommendations to the Contracting Parties concerning measures to be taken for the Convention's purposes;
recommending measures to keep the public informed;
making proposals for improving the effectiveness of the Convention;
arranging expert group meetings.
The Bureau is responsible for making administrative and organisational decisions and meets twice a year.
The Secretariat is provided by the Council of Europe. It monitors the implementation of the Convention and notifies member States of new signatures, any amendments, declarations or new information.
The Standing Committee can arrange expert group meetings. The group of experts depends on the subject of discussion. The responsibilities of these groups are to:
monitor the implementation of the Standing Committee;
make recommendations concerning species or habitats;
address specific conservation problems.
The assistance of experts is also taken into account in the preparation of legal or scientific studies on specific subjects.
National or international non-governmental organisations can attend meetings of the Standing Committee in an observer role. They are a valuable information source for the Secretariat and play a key role in monitoring the application of the Convention.
The Bern Convention contains four Appendices:
Appendix I lists all strictly protected flora species.
Appendix II lists all strictly protected fauna species. For these species it is prohibited to:
deliberately capture, keep and deliberate kill of any form;
deliberately damage or destroy breeding or resting sites;
deliberately disturb wild fauna, particularly during the breeding period, rearing and hibernation;
possess or trade in one of these animals, alive or dead, including any part of derivative of them.
Appendix III lists all protected fauna species. These species are protected but can be harvested or hunted under specific circumstances. The exploitation of these species must be regulated to maintain the conservation status of populations. Indiscriminate means of capture and killing that may cause disappearance of or disturbance to populations of a species are prohibited.
Appendix IV lists prohibited means of killing, capture and other forms of exploitation.