Leopardus wiedii
J. Reppucci
The margay (Leopardus wiedii) is part of the ocelot lineage. It is genetically very diverse, and three phylogeographical groups have been suggested: Central America, South America north of the Amazon, and South America south of the Amazon. However, further molecular and morphological studies are required. Until then, three subspecies are recognised:
Leopardus wiedii wiedii in South America south of the Amazon
Leopardus wiedii vigens in South America north of the Amazon and
Leopardus wiedii glauculus in Central America
The margay looks similar to the bigger ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and the smaller tiger cats (Leopardus tigrinus and Leopardus guttulus) which have similar pelage. Size-wise, it is closer to the tiger cats but in fur pattern it resembles the ocelot. In some parts of South America the margay is even called “little ocelot”. The distinguishing features of margays include the very large and bulging eyes, which gives the muzzle a kind of narrow, but prominent appearance. Another distinguishing feature is its disproportionately large paws and long, thick tail measuring up to 70% of the head and body length. The long tail acts as a counterweight to help maintain balance. The margay has thick, soft fur, which renders one of its common names in northern Brazil, “gato-peludo” or “furry cat”. The base colour is typically ranges from yellow to brown. The coat is patterned with dark brown or black rosettes. These are usually rounder and fewer in number than other species, and sometimes can merge to look like one big spot. Some individuals have elongated rosettes, arranged in longitudinal rows, similar to the ocelot. Its underside and belly are white, the cheeks marked with two stripes and the back of the ears are black with central white spots similar to those of the ocelot and tiger cats. The tail of the margay is usually marked with large dark rings. Compared to other cat species the margay shows low sexual dimorphism. The first observations of melanism in margays were reported in 2013 in Colombia and in 2014 in Costa Rica.
In Colombia and Ecuador, hybridisation between L. wiedii and L. tigrinus was found to occur.

2.3 - 4.9 kg
Body Length
46 - 69 cm
Tail Length
23 - 52 cm
upto 22 years
Litter Size
1 - 2 kittens
P. Meier

International Union for the Conservation of Nature 2015. Leopardus wiedii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2024-2
Status and Distribution
The margay is classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN Red List as well as in the National Red Lists of Bolivia and Colombia. In Costa Rica and Mexico, it is considered as Threatened, and in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela as Vulnerable. The margay’s distribution range extends from the lowlands of northern Mexico into Central and South America to Uruguay and northern Argentina. Its occurrence as far north as Texas is infrequent and may be of dispersing individuals, rather than an extant population. A range wide habitat suitability model estimated an area of approx. 1.5 million km² of highly suitable habitat for the margay, 5.9 million km² of moderately suitable habitat and 7.1 million km² habitat with low suitability. The highly suitable habitat was mostly found in Brazil’s Atlantic forest, as well as the forests of southern Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.
In areas where ocelots occur, the margay tends to be rare because of potential intra-guild predation/competition. This negative impact of the ocelot on smaller cat species is called the “ocelot effect”. Thus, margay numbers are negatively impacted by the larger ocelot through interspecific killing due to potential for competition. Margay numbers are not affected by those of the smaller sized competitors that compete more directly for resources, the jaguarundi and the tiger cats. In Amazonia and Central America, of the tropical small-medium sized felid guild, margays usually rank second in abundance behind ocelots. In Atlantic rainforests, it is often in second position together with the southern tiger cat, but it is usually the least abundant felid in open habitats.
Margays generally are uncommon to rare throughout its range, and only in very few areas are they relatively common. Generally, its densities range from 1–5 individuals per 100 km². Only in a very few areas it seems to reach densities of up to 15–25 per 100 km². Some very high densities have been estimated in the state of Oaxaca, southeastern Mexico: in the Los Chimalapas region, a density of 68 individuals, and in the Sierra Norte a density of 81 individuals per 100 km² was estimated. In both areas, ocelots occurred too (22 and 7.8 individuals per 100 km², respectively). In Los Chimalapas, the larger ocelot was captured more often on camera, but fewer individuals were identified.
Ecology and Behaviour
The margay is solitary, territorial and mainly nocturnal, but with some activity during the day as well. The margay rests mainly in trees and is considered to be more arboreal and to be better adapted to live in trees than other cat species. It is an excellent and agile climber and can descend a tree headfirst or hang from a branch by one hind foot. Its hind paws can be rotated by 180 degrees allowing them to grip equally well with the hind limbs and fore limbs. The long tail and the large paws help the margay to keep its balance.
Margays hunt mostly on the ground but can also take prey in trees. However, it travels mostly on the ground. Given its arboreal capabilities there has been a recurring myth that this cat is either scansorial or arboreal. It indeed possesses several unique arboreal skills, but that does not necessarily make it arboreal per se. In fact, evidence suggests that it moves and hunts terrestrially and only rests in trees. The little information available about their home range sizes indicates variations between 1–20 km². Typically, the margay home range: body size ratio is of 3.7 km² per kilo of body mass making its home range size larger than expected based on its body size.
In Mexico, there was an overlap between male ranges detected.
The gestation period lasts for 76–84 days, the oestrus cycle for 32–36 days and the oestrus for 4–10 days. Females have only two teats and generally have only one kitten, exceptionally two. Average litter size in Brazil was 1.09. The eyes are open at 11–16 days, while solid food is first taken at 52–57 days. Maturity is achieved at 9–12 months, whereas reproduction typically starts at two years of age, which is rather late for a felid of this size when compared to species from other lineages. Margays do not reproduce easily in captivity, and often most zoo animals are wild born.
Remains of margay were found in scats of jaguar and puma in Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Main Threats
The margay was one of the most heavily exploited cat species in South America and from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s at least 125,000 margay skins were traded. In some areas illegal hunting still takes place. Habitat fragmentation and destruction through deforestation and conversion of native forests into agricultural areas, pastures and infrastructure (e.g. hydroelectric dams) are considered to be the major threats today. Margay populations especially outside the Amazon basin are severely fragmented and are being reduced by habitat conversion to plantations and pasture. Road kills, illegal trade for the pet market and retaliatory killing due to poultry depredation are also threatening the species. The margay is susceptible to disease outbreaks and has a low reproductive rate which makes it even more vulnerable. Moreover, a study in the Atlantic Forest of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, found margays to be negatively affected by the presence of the invasive wild pig.
Some local communities from across the margay’s range are reported to hunt this species for its fur, the pet trade, but also for bushmeat, and for medicinal and cultural purposes.
Conservation Efforts and Protection Status
After the extensive exploitation of the margay, it was included in the Appendix 1 of CITES in 1989. Now it is fully protected over most of its range. Hunting and trade are prohibited in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. In Ecuador, Guyana and El Salvador it is not legally protected.
Very little is known of the status and abundance of the margay. The margay populations in protected areas outside the Amazon basin, are assumed to be very low and unviable in the long term (maybe due to the ocelot effect). The species may be classified as Vulnerable in the future, and periodical reviews of conservation status are of high importance. Furthermore, more studies on the ecology, demographics, natural history, status and threats of the margay are needed to support adequate conservation efforts.
Most prey species of the margay are nocturnal. The margay feeds on both terrestrial and scansorial small mammals (< 0.6 kg), birds and reptiles. Larger medium sized mammals like squirrels, rabbits, agoutis, or small monkeys are also occasionally taken. In Manaus, Brazil, a margay was observed trying to attract pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) by mimicking their calls. Typically, small rodents form the bulk of the diet, but lizards and birds can form a significant proportion of the diet at some sites. Average mean prey mass taken by the margay is about 250 g, which is intermediate between those of tiger cats and jaguarundis. Although there might be some overlap in prey preference, these cat species have different principal prey species.

M. Pittet

P. Meier
Compared to other tropical American cat species, the margay is strongly associated with forest habitat and lives predominately in tropical and subtropical evergreen, deciduous/semi-deciduous, pre-montane, humid forests, and montane cloud forests. Margays are also found in floodplains or seasonally flooded forests. In open habitats such as savannas and wet-swampy savannas it is usually found in gallery forests but has also been recorded in semi-arid caatinga thorny scrub, too. Only occasionally has it been reported outside forested areas. Although the margay seems to be less tolerant to disturbance than the tiger cats or ocelot, it uses altered habitat such as disturbed forests, forest patches, or abandoned plantations, if sufficient tree cover is still available. They are also sometimes found in agriculture/forest mosaics. Margays have been observed around the margins of Raphia taedigera palm plantations in Costa Rica, but not within them. In Pará, Brazil, margays are found equally within oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations and surrounding primary forests. In Guatemala, the species was recorded in one area within coffee plantations as well as the surrounding forests, in a second area only in the forests surrounding the coffee plantations. In Bahia, Brazil, margays were found in a rubber plantation as well as the surrounding forest reserve and riparian areas. Nevertheless, a study indicated a higher occupancy closer to reserves, where disturbance is usually lower. The margay is rarely found above 1,200 m elevation but has been recorded up to 3,000 m above sea level in the Andes.