Phillippe Chardonnet
Independent & Antelope Specialist Group (ASG) SSC IUCN
Member since 2005.
I am a Doctor Veterinarian specialised in tropical veterinary medicine & animal production with 40-year experience in wildlife conservation and traditional livestock development. After 20 years as researcher with CIRAD (International Centre for Research in Agriculture and Development), then 18 years as Director of FIGF (Fondation internationale pour la gestion de la faune), I am now an independent consultant. I worked in developing countries throughout Africa, Asia, South America & South Pacific, on a wide array of issues ranging from wildlife management to rural development. Regarding wild cats, I have been involved in assessment of lion conservation status at national level in several countries and at continental level, lion conservation strategies and action plans, lion conflicts with humans, lion ageing, lion census, support to national authorities etc. I am also co-Chair of the Antelope Specialist Group SSC IUCN.