Alfredo Romero-Muñoz
Geography Department, Humboldt University Berlin
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Conservation Biogeography group, Humboldt University-Berlin. I study broad-scale habitat and threats on jaguar, puma and larger mammals across the Gran Chaco. Currently I focus on the population impacts of habitat destruction, hunting, and prey depletion on the viability of their populations. Trained as a biologist in Bolivia, I studied two masters in Wildlife Conservation at Oxford University and in Conservation Leadership at Cambridge University. I gained a doctorate from Humboldt University Berlin. I have studied jaguar, puma and smaller cats’ populations, and coexistence with humans in the Bolivian and Argentinean Chaco, Andes, and Peruvian Amazon. I am interested on understanding the impact of multiple threats on biodiversity and how, and where to mitigate them for meaningful conservation gains.