Rogerio de Paula
Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
Member since 2005.
I am a Brazilian biologist PhD on Forestry Resources working (environmental analyst) for the National Research Center for Carnivores Conservation (CENAP), within the Instituto Chico Mendes for the Conservation of Biodiversity an agency within the Brazilian Environmental Ministry (ICMBio/MMA) since 2002. I am responsible for designing and executing strategies and actions to improve the endangered species status and activities to reduce conflicts between carnivores and humans. I coordinate the National Action Plans (NAP) division since 2010 and specifically coordinated the production and implementation of several action plans such as the jaguar’s and the maned wolf’s. Presently I oversee the Large Felids and Wild Canids NAPs since 2018 and the Small Cats NAP since 2020. My expertise goes through techniques for mammals capturing, monitoring and management, and methods for ecological and inventory surveys and population sampling and estimating as well as management plans and action planning besides habitat and population modelling. As wildlife manager, dedicates time on learning and executing actions related to human-predators conflict management and coexistence strategies throughout the country. In the last 20 years has been dedicating time on trying to change people’s perception towards carnivores, such as jaguar, pumas, maned wolves among others that are all constantly removed from our world due to human’s intolerance.