Colleen Begg
Niassa Carnivore Project
Member since 2009.
PhD Zoology, Mammal Research Institute, South Africa: Behavioural ecology and social organisation of the Honey badger. MSc Tropical Resource Ecology, Zimbabwe - Population viability analysis of translocated cheetah in Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe. Director: Niassa Carnivore Project, Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique / TRT Conservation Foundation. Mission of NCP is to secure large carnivore populations (lion, leopard, wilddog, spotted hyaena) in Niassa Reserve by mitigating human induced threats (sport hunting of underage animals, snaring/poisoning, retaliatory killing, human lion conflict, disease) and promoting coexistence with people who live inside Niassa Reserve. We work in collaboration with Mozambican Government and NNR management authority. Activities include targeted monitoring and surveying (radio collaring, camera trapping, call up, validation of visual aging cues), reducing human carnivore conflict through safe shelters and behaviours; regulating sport hunting through monitoring/aging of trophies, community outreach/environmental education, alternative livelihoods, conservation performance payments. Also on granting committee of WCN/Lion Recovery Fund and founder member of Pride Lion Conservation Alliance (www.pridelionalliance.org).