Nico Avenant
I have a special interest in small mammal community ecology and carnivore–prey relationships. My research career started with a M.Sc. on caracal ecology, then a study on the impact of another, exotic, carnivore (house mouse) on species poor Marion Island (for his PhD). My 75 peer-reviewed articles, 10 published conference papers and 6 chapters in books mostly stemmed from work on caracal, sympatric medium to small sized carnivores, and their small mammal prey base. In these fields I also contributed 55 technical reports, made >100 contributions at conferences, and have supervised 11 Masters and 4 PhD studies since 2000. I am currently Curator, Senior Specialist Scientist and HOD Mammalogy at the National Museum, and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Environmental Management, University of the Free State, South Africa. I have been a National Research Foundation rated scientist since 2008.