Hana Raza
Member since 2013.
I am a biologist working in the conservation of Iraq's wildlife with the main focus on the autonomous region of northern Iraq, Kurdistan for the last 5 years. I have been involved in different educational outreach and field survey projects with Nature Iraq through camera trapping surveys, coordinating international convention meetings and workshops inside Iraq, coordinating the first and second trainings on field techniques in mammal surveys and wildlife medicine trainings for Iraqi Veterinarians throughout Iraq. Active member and coordinator of the Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) for Conserving the Wild Goats Capra aegagrus at Peramagroon and Qara Dagh Mountains, Sulaimani-Iraq 2011-2012. In addition, I have held different talks, presentations and documentary films on environmental education and public awareness. I am currently coordinating the Kurdistan section of the (KBA) Key Biodiversity Areas Inventory for Iraq.