Jedediah Brodie
University of Montana
I co-directed a three-year project to help the state of Sabah, Malaysia, determine where to locate >300,000 ha of new protected areas to protect wild felids and other species. This large-scale project involved collaborators from the Sabah government, the Universiti Malaysia Sabah, the Southeast Asian Rainforest Research Program, and universities in the UK. We ascertained the locations of new protected areas that optimized (i) the protection of threatened species’ ranges, (ii) forest carbon storage, and (iii) landscape connectivity, all within a participatory process of free, prior and informed consent engagement with local communities. I have worked with WWF, the government of Sarawak, Malaysia, the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UniMAS), and other local partners for over a decade, developing plans for a network of habitat corridors across the state. We recently published the comprehensive assessment of wild felid occurrence and status across Sarawak (Mohd-Azlan et al. In Press; Oryx).