Kae Kawanishi
Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers
Member since 1999.
I have been involved in research and conservation of the Malayan tiger since 1998. Under the University of Florida PhD program, I conducted the first scientific study of tiger ecology in Malaysia and found the largest tiger population in Mainland Southeast Asia with an estimate of 68 adult animals in Taman Negara National Park (1998-2001). Subsequently, I worked for the Malaysian government as Technical Advisor to the Department of Wildlife and National Parks for 3 years. I am a co-founder of the Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (MYCAT), set up by the government in 2003 to bring together NGOs and the government towards recovery of the Malayan tiger. I then led teams to conduct a threat assessment for the tiger in 2006, to draft the National Tiger Conservation Action Plan in 2008, and to assess the status of the Malayan tiger for the IUCN Red List that classified it as the Critically Endangered in 2015. Representing the tiger conservation community, I serve on the advisory panel for the National Biodiversity Roundtable. Saving Tigers Together as a motto, MYCAT educates and engages members of the public, including local communities through the Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) program. I am proud of over 2,000 CAT Walkers from 38 countries (as of 2021) who have done their part in protecting tigers and restoring their forests.