Sivananthan Elagupillay
GWP Malaysia Wildlife Crime Project PPG
I am presently the National Lead for Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) Malaysia/UNDP GWP Malaysia Wildlife Crime Project PPG 2021-22. I am also appointed as an Advisor to KeTSA and Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) Malaysia to advice on Malayan tiger conservation matters. Since retirement from the DWNP in 2015, I have been continuing my efforts with related authorities on the need to strengthen the governance and boots on the ground for tiger conservation. Among them being the Independent Assessor of Royal Belum State Park, an important Malayan tiger conservation site, to be accredited under Conservation Assured Tiger Standards (CA|TS). Others include: (https://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/390128, https://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/letters/2015/06/11/committed-to-conservation-oftigers). I have been instrumental in developing the updated draft action plan replacing the National Tiger Conservation Action Plan (NTCAP) 2008-2020. Recently I have been assisting DWNP officials in the publication of 3 books on monitoring at ecological corridors, guidelines for large mammals using smart green infrastructure and monitoring of relocated elephants. I am also the Honorary Editor of the Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia). I have also interest in the history of wildlife conservation with the latest being, The Legacy of Theodore Hubback: Father of Wildlife Conservation in Malaya published in Malayan Nature Journal Special Edition 2019. In terms of affiliation I am a member of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group, Hon. Member of Global Tiger Forum (GTF) and Policy Advisor of MYCAT, a coalition of Malaysian NGOs involved in tiger conservation.