Thomas Gray
Originally from the UK I am a conservation biologist and have been based in South East Asia, predominantly Cambodia, since 2005 leading research into the ecology and conservation of the region's threatened mammals and large water birds. I have worked with WCS, WWF, and Wildlife Alliance and am currently part of WWFs global tiger program: the Tigers Alive Initiative. My work focuses on providing technical support to government and local partners to implement evidence-based conservation actions to support tiger recovery. My work on cats has included publications on all of the region's species including fishing cat, jungle cat, leopard, and clouded leopard. A particular current focus is documenting the impacts of, and solution to, the snaring crisis which is impacting wild cat species, and their prey, across many important Asian landscapes. I am a member of the Cambodian government's Tiger Working Group tasked with implementing the Cambodia Tiger Action Plan including, ultimately, tiger reintroduction into the country.