Work for the Conventions
P. Meier
Work with the Conventions
International conventions are a critical tool for developing and shaping global policy and strategy on a range of conservation issues. Outputs from these conventions then help to define regional strategies which then ultimately become implemented through national strategies, action plans and even legislation.
IUCN has a broad remit based on its complex structure. With a membership that spans government organisations, international and national NGOs and institutions, together with a global secretariat, it is well positioned to function at the interface between conservation action on the ground and the policy instruments that help drive these activities. A key component of this is working with global and regional conventions by providing information, data and knowledge. The SSC, with its specialist groups made-up of 10,000 members provides a large body of expertise to help shape policy and conservation strategies through a number of conventions. The cat specialist group is particularly engaged in the following conventions:
the Convention on The International Trade in Endangered Species CITES,
the Convention on Migratory Species CMS,
and the Bern Convention.
The Cat SG has been active in convening multi sector partnerships and meetings to help develop a range of guidelines and strategies for species-based conservation across their range.