Cats in the IUCN Red List
In the IUCN Red List of 2015, 12 cat species are classified as Least concern, 11 as Vulnerable, 7 as Near threatened, 7 as Endangered and none as Critically endangered. However, for several cat species very few data is available and therefore it is difficult to assess their threat categories.
Classification of Cat Species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM
Species/Subspecies | Common name | Red List Category | Red List Criteria |
Acinonyx jubatus | Cheetah | Vulnerable | VU A4b; C1 |
Acinonyx jubatus hecki | NW African Cheetah | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(i) |
Acinonyx jubatus venaticus | Asiatic Cheetah | Critically Endangered | CR D |
Caracal aurata | African golden cat | Vulnerable | VU A2c + 3c |
Caracal caracal | Caracal | Least Concern | LC |
Catopuma badia | Borneo bay cat | Endangered | EN C1 |
Catopuma temminckii | Asiatic golden cat | Near Threatened | NT |
Felis chaus | Jungle cat | Least Concern | LC |
Felis bieti | Chinese Mountain cat | Vulnerable | VU C1 |
Felis margarita | Sand cat | Least Concern | LC |
Felis margarita scheffeli | Pakistan sand cat | Near Threatened | NT |
Felis nigripes | Black-footded cat | Vulnerable | VU C2a(i) |
Felis silvestris | Wildcat | Least Concern | LC |
Felis silvestris grampia | Scottish wildcat | Vulnerable | VU A2de + 2e |
Felis lybica | Afro-Asiatic wildcat | Least Concern | LC |
Herpailurus yagouaroundi | Jaguarundi | Least Concern | LC |
Herpailurus yagouaroundi cacomitli | Texas jaguarundi | Endangered | EN D |
Leopardus colocolo | Pampas cat | Near Threatened | NT |
Leopardus geoffroyi | Geoffroy's cat | Least Concern | LC |
Leopardus guttulus | Southern tiger cat | Vulnerable | VU C1 |
Leopardus guigna | Guigna | Vulnerable | VU A2abc, C2a(i) |
Leopardus jacobita | Andean cat | Endangered | EN C2a(i) |
Leopardus pardalis | Ocelot | Least Concern | LC |
Leopardus pardalis albescens | Texas ocelot | Endangered | EN D |
Leopardus tigrinus | Northern tiger cat | Vulnerable | VU A2c |
Leopardus guttulus | Southern tiger cat | Vulnerable | VU C1 |
Leopardus wiedii | Margay | Near Threatened | NT |
Leptailurus serval | Serval | Least Concern | LC |
Leptailurus serval constantinus | North African Serval | Endangered | EN D |
Lynx lynx | Eurasian lynx | Least Concern | LC |
Lynx pardinus | Iberian lynx | Endangered | EN D |
Lynx canadensis | Canada lynx | Least Concern | LC |
Lynx rufus | Bobcat | Least Concern | LC |
Neofelis nebulosa | Clouded leopard | Vulnerable | VU A2cd + 4cd |
Neofelis diardi | Sunda clouded leopard | Vulnerable | VU C1 |
Otocolobus manul | Manul | Near Threatened | LC |
Otocolobus manul ferrugineus | Red manul | Near Threatened | NT |
Panthera leo | Lion | Vulnerable | VU A2abcd |
Panthera leo (West Africa subpopulation) | Lion | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(ii) |
Panthera leo persica | Asiatic lion | Endangered | EN D |
Panthera onca | Jaguar | Near Threatened | NT |
Panthera pardus | Leopard | Vulnerable | VU A2cd |
Panthera pardus delacouri | Indochinese leopard | Endangered | CR A2b+3b+4b |
Panthera pardus kotiya | Sri Lankan leopard | Endangered | VU D1 |
Panthera pardus melas | Javan leopard | Critically Endangered | EN C2a(i) |
Panthera pardus nimr | Arabian leopard | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(i) |
Panthera pardus oreintalis | Amur leopard | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(ii), D |
Panthera pardus panthera | North African leopard | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(i) |
Panthera pardus saxicolor | North Persian leopard | Endangered | EN C2a(i) |
Panthera pardus tulliana | Anatolian leopard | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(i) |
Panthera tigris | Tiger | Endangered | EN A2abcd |
Panthera tigris altaica | Amur tiger | Endangered | EN C2a(ii), D |
Panthera tigris amoyensis | South China tiger | Critically Endangered | CR D |
Panthera tigris balica | Bali tiger | Extinct | EX |
Panthera tigris sondaica | Javan tiger | Extinct | EX |
Panthera tigris sumatrae | Sumatra tiger | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(i) |
Panthera tigris virgata | Caspian tiger | Extinct | EX |
Panthera uncia | Snow leopard | Vulnerable | VU C1 |
Pardofelis marmorata | Marbled cat | Near Threatened | NT |
Prionailurus bengalensis | Leopard cat | Least Concern | LC |
Prionailurus bengalensis irimotensis | Irimote cat | Critically Endangered | CR C2a(i) |
Prionailurus planiceps | Flat-headed cat | Endangered | EN C1 |
Prionailurus rubiginosus | Rusty-spotted cat | Near Threatened | NT |
Prionailurus viverrinus | Fishing cat | Vulnerable | VU A2cd + 3cd + 4cd |
Puma concolor | Cougar | Least Concern | LC |
Puma concolor coryi | Florida panther | Critically Endangered | CR D |
Puma concolor cougar | Eastern cougar | Critically Endangered | CR D |