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A.N.N.,; Iucn, 1996 Recovery program for the cheetah in Algeria
Aarts, G.; MacKenzie, M.; McConnell, B.; Fedak, M.; Matthiopoulos, J. 2008 Estimating space-use and habitat preference from wildlife telemetry data
Ecography (31)
Abade, L.; Cusack, J.; Moll, R.J.; Strampelli, P.; Dickman, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Montgomery, R.A. 2018 Spatial variation in leopard (_Panthera pardus_) site use across a gradient of anthropogenic pressure in Tanzania's Ruaha landscape
PLoS ONE (13)
Abade, L.; MacDonald, D.W.; Dickman, A.J. Assessing the relative importance of landscape and husbandry factors in determining large carnivore depredation risk in Tanzania's Ruaha landscape
Biological Conservation (180)
Abade, L.; MacDonald, D.W.; Dickman, A.J. 2014 Using landscape and bioclimatic features to predict the distribution of lions, leopards and spotted hyaenas in Tanzania's Ruaha landscape
PLoS ONE (9)
Abascal, F.; Corvelo, A.; Cruz, F.; Villanueva-Canas, J.L.; Vlasova, A.; Marcet-Houben, M.; Martinez-Cruz, B.; Cheng, J.Y.; Prieto, P.; Quesada, V.; Quilez, J.; Li, G.; Garcia, F.; Rubio-Camarillo, M.; Frias, L.; Ribeca, P.; Capella-Gutierrez, S.; Rodriguez, J.M.; Camara, F.; Lowy, E.; Cozzuto, L.; Erb, I.; Tress, M.L.; Rodriguez-Ales, J.L.; Ruiz-Orera, J.; Reverter, F.; Casas-Marce, M.; Soriano, L.; Arango, J.R.; Derdak, S.; Galan, B.; Blanc, J.; Gut, M.; Lorente-Galdos, B.; Andres-Nieto, M.; Lopez-Otin, C.; Valencia, A.; Gut, I.; Garcia, J.L.; Guigo, R.; Murphy, W.J.; Ruiz-Herrera, A.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Roma, G.; Notredame, C.; Mailund, T.; Alba, M.M.; Gabaldon, T.; Alioto, T.; Godoy, J.A. 2016 Extreme genomic erosion after recurrent demographic bottlenecks in the highly endangered Iberian lynx
Genome Biology (17)
Abba, A.M.; Alvarez, M.R.; Barquez, R.M.; Bastida, R.; Bidau, C.J.; Bonino, N.A.; Carlini, A.A.; Chalukian, S.C.; Cirignoli, S.; D'Elia, G.; Diaz, M.M.; Ferro, L.I.; Flores, D.A.; Garcia Esponda, C.M.; Gasparini, G.M.; Jayat, P.J.; Lucherini, M.; Martinez, R.A.; Merino, M.L.; Mudry, M.D.; Nieves, M.; Ojeda, R.A.; Ortiz-Jaureguizar, E.; Ortiz, P.E.; Pardinas, U.F.J.; Pereira, J.A.; Perovic, P.G.; Rodriguez, D.; Steinberg, E.R.; Teta, P.; Verzi, D.H.; Vila, B.; Vizcaino, S.F.; Zunino, G.E. 2006 Mamiferos de Argentina - Sistematica y Distribucion
Full Book
Abbadi, M. Israel's elusive Feline: Sand cats
Abbiati, G.; Croteau, J.; Mitchel, L.; Samaroo, M. 2013 Development of trophy hunting among previously disadvantaged farmers in Namibia
Full Book
Abbitt, R.J.F.; Scott, J.M. 2001 Examining differences between recovered and declining endangered species
Conservation Biology (15)
Abbott, A.; Jones, M.; Wilson, B. 2014 The small four
South African Country Life
Abbott, B.; van Kooten, G.C. 2011 Can domestication of wildlife lead to conservation? The economics of tiger farming in China
Ecological Economics (70)
Abbott, D.H.; Baines, D.A.; Faulkes, C.G.; Jennens, D.C.; Ning, P.C.Y.K.; Tomlinson, A.J. 1991 A natural deer repellent: chemistry and behaviour
Book Chapter
Abbott, I. 2002 Origin and spread of the cat, Felis catus, on mainland Australia, with a discussion of the magnitude of its early impact on native fauna
Wildlife Research (29)
Abdoli, A.; Ghadirian, T.; Hamidi, A.K.; Mostafavi, H.; Moshiri, H.; Pour'salem, S.; Ghoddousi, A. 2008 First Evidence of Persian Leopard From Khaeez Area, Southern Iran
Cat News (48)
Abdollahi, S. 2016 Modeling habitat requirements of leopard (_Panthera pardus_) using genetic algorithm in Golestan National Park
Environmental Resources Research (3)
Abdukadir, A.; Breitenmoser, U. 2007 The last tigers of Xinjiang
Cat News (47)
Abdul, J.B. 1986 The case study of man eating tiger in Pahang
The Journal of Wildlife and Parks (5)
Abdulali, H. 1982 The curious death of a Panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (79)
Abdulhassan, N.A.; Abdulrahman, S.; Ahmed, H.; Ararat, K.; Fadhel, O.; Salim, M.A.; Al-Ubeidi, L.A. 2011 Key Biodiversity Survey of Iraq - 2010 Site Review
Full Book
Abell, J.; Kirzinger, M.W.B.; Gordon, Y.; Kirk, J.; Kokes, R.; Lynas, K.; Mandinyenya, B.; Youldon, D. 2013 A social network analysis of social cohesion in a constructed pride: implications for ex situ reintroduction of the African lion (_Panthera leo_)
PLoS ONE (8)
Abensperg-Traun, M. 2009 CITES, sustainable use of wild species and incentive-driven conservation in developing countries, with an emphasis on southern Africa
Biological Conservation (142)
Abi-Said, M.R.; Abi-Said, D.M. 2011 The Animal Encounter: a success story towards conserving biodiversity in Lebanon
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Abi-Said, M.R.; Abi-Said, D.M. 2011 The Animal Encounter: a success story towards conserving biodiversity in Lebanon
Wildlife Middle East (6)
Abie, K.; Tilahun, B.; Feyisa, A.; Kumssa, T. 2021 Diversity and habitat association of medium and large mammals in Gibe Sheleko National Park, Southern Ethiopia
Ecology and Evolution (11)
Abouelezz, H.G.; Donovan, T.M.; Mickey, R.M.; Murdoch, J.D.; Freeman, M.; Royar, K. 2018 Landscape composition mediates movement and habitat selection in bobcats_ (Lynx rufus_): implications for conservation planning
Landscape Ecology (33)
Aboutayeb, H.; Beraaouz, M.; Ezaidi, A. 2017 The Great Catchment of Souss-Massa Wadi (Morocco): Relationship Between Protected Areas and Ecotourism
Book Chapter
Abraha, E.T. 2016 First camera trap record of leopards in Eritrea
Cat News (64)
Abraham, A.J.; Webster, A.B.; Prys-Jones, T.O.; le Roux, E.; Smith, D.; McFayden, D.; de Jager, P.C.; Clauss, M.; Doughty, C.E. 2021 Large predators can mitigate nutrient losses associated with off-site removal of animals from a wildlife reserve
Journal of Applied Ecology (58)
Abramo, A.G. 1999 Presentations of the country representatives - Russian Federation: Custom procedures and controls for trade in CITES-specimens in Russia
Conference Proceeding
Abramov, A.V.; Kruskop, S.V. 2012 The mammal fauna of Cat Ba Island, northern Vietnam
Russian Journal of Theriology (11)
Abramov, V.K.; Zapovednik, U. 2001 Proposal for habitat protection Session 1.Managing Leopard Habitat in SW Primorski Krai
Conference Proceeding
Abrams, J.F.; Axtner, J.; Bhagwat, T.; Mohamed, A.; Nguyen, A.; Niedbella, J.; Sollmann, R.; Tilker, A.R.; Wilting, A. 2018 Studying terrestrial mammals in tropical rainforests - A user guide for camera-trapping and environmental DNA
Full Book
Abrams, P.A. 2000 The evolution of predator-prey interactions: Theory and evidence
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (31)
Abrams, P.A. 1993 Why predation rate should not be proportional to predator density
Ecology (74)
Abrams, P.A. 1994 The fallacies of "ratio-dependent" predation
Ecology (75)
Abrams, P.A.; Wilson, W.G. 2004 Coexistence of competitors in metacommunities due to spatial variation in resource growth rates; does R* predict the outcome of competition?
Ecology Letters (7)
Abreu, K.C.; Moro-Rios, R.F.; Silva-Pereira, J.E.; Miranda, J.M.D.; Jablonski, E.F.; Passos, F.C. 2008 Feeding habits of ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) in Southern Brazil
Mammalian Biology (73)
Abubakar, M.M.; Kutama, A.S.; Sulaiman, M.I. 2015 Preliminary survey of the wildlife biodiversity of the Hadejia Nguru Wetlands
Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (1 )
Acevedo-Whitehouse, K. 2009 The importance of disease management programmes for wildlife conservation
Animal Conservation (12)
Acha, A.; Temesgen, M.; Bauer, H. 2017 Wildlife depletion and Its Associated Factors in Chebera-Churchura National Park, South Ethiopia
World Journal of Zoology (12)
Acha, A.; Temesgen, M.; Bauer, H. 2017 Human-Wildlife Conflicts and their associated Livelihood Impacts in and Around Chebera-Churchura National Park, Ethiopia
Society & Natural Resources (31 )
Achard, F.; Eva, H.D.; Stibig, H.-J.; Mayaux, P.; Gallego, J.; Richards, T.; Malingreau, J.-P. 2002 Determination of Deforestation Rates of the World's Humid Tropical Forests
Science (297)
Acharjyo, L.N. 1987 The lonly tigress
Acharjyo, L.N. 1998 The six small cats of Orissa
Envis - Wildlife and Protected Areas (1)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Mishra, C.G. 1985 On some aspects of reproduction among the tigers _panthera tigris_ of Nandankanan Biological Park (Orissa)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (82)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Mishra, C.G. 1983 Further notes on the birth and growth of the Leopard-Cat (_Felis bengalensis_) in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (80)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Mishra, C.G. 1981 Some notes on the longevity of two species of Indian wild cats in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (78)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Misra, R. 1974 Occurence of fishing Cat (_felis viverrina_) in Orissa
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (72)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Misra, R. 1973 Weight and size at birth of two species of wild Mammals in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (71)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)