IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library

Update of Cat SG Library
There are now 15371 files in the Cat SG Library.
New files uploaded 22-04-2024:

  • Abie et al 2021 Diversity and habitat association of medium and large mammals Ethiopia
  • Adhya et al 2023 Distribution of fishing cat in Chilika
  • Adyla et al 2016 Wildlife inhabiting catchment of Hulu Terengganu hydroelectric dam
  • Aihara et al 2016 Mammalian wildilfe tourism Endau Rompin NP Malaysia
  • Aiyadurai 2016 tigers are our brothers
  • Al Hikmani & Al Hikmani 2024 First record caracal twin kittens Saudi Arabia
  • Alexander & Johansson 2023 20 years snow leopard network
  • Ang & Charles 2023 FHC in Brunei Darussalam
  • Ardiantiono et al 2024 Selecting umbrella species as indicators
  • Arroyo-Arce & Thomson 2023 Impacts of jaguar predation on nesting sea turtles
  • Ayers 2019 Leopards and chacma baboons
  • Bakri et al 2018 Wildlife species artificial pasture Malaysia
  • Bal et al 2023 Hunting of clouded leopard in Mizoram India
  • Barrientos et al 2023 Light pollution and cougars
  • Becker et al 2024 Wire-snares and African carnivore guild
  • Blakey et al 2022 Mountain lions avoid burned areas
  • Braczkowski et al 2020 Population estimates of large carnivores
  • Braczkowski et al 2022 Leopard and spotted hyena densities Lake Mburo
  • Brakels & Souwideth 2023 First record of Asiatic golden cat in Phou Hin Poun NPA
  • Caravaggi et al 2017 Review of camera trapping for behaviour research
  • Chambers et al 2022 Spatial models of jaguar energy expenditure in response to border wall construction and remediation
  • Chatterjee et al 2018 Photographic evidence of Asian golden cat
  • Datta et al 2023 Community insights into leopard and tiger conservation
  • Dhakal et al 2023 Patterns of livestock predation by leopards Nepal
  • Dhar & Mondal 2023 Nature of human-tiger conflict in Indian Sundarban
  • Dhendup et al 2019 Mammal diversity in central Bhutan
  • Dhendup et al 2023 Evidence of tiger population structure and dispersal Bhutan
  • Dorji et al 2019 Mammal richness and diversity in Himalayan hotspot
  • Drouilly et al 2023 Wild cat species in flux
  • Elwin et al 2024 Illegal production of jaguar products in Bolivian prison
  • Eppert et al 2022 natural selection of melanism jaguar and oncilla Spanish
  • Estraver et al 2014 Vertebrates of the Cerro Campana lomal system Trujillo La Libertad Peru
  • Figel et al 2021 Jaguars and pumas exhibit distinct spatiotemporal responses Colombia
  • Figel et al 2023 Snaring in a stronghold
  • Flores 2016 Impact of agriculture and livestock on the water quality.pdf
  • Fraser et al 2018 Anticoagulant bobcat
  • Gerngross et al 2023 SCALP categorisation of European wildcat
  • Gobierno 2019 Estudio de alternativas de manejo para el area ecologica
  • Graham 2017 CITES the case of ocelot
  • Greysi Josari & Rossmery 2018 Diagnosis of territorial tourist resources for the design of a route in the district of San Felipe
  • Guo et al 2017 Population dynamics and space use wild boar China
  • Gupta 2016 Livelihood dependency and pressures on tiger habitat
  • Henschel et al 2020 Census and distribution of large carnivores in Tsavo NPs
  • Herrero & GarciŽa-Serrano 2023 Perspectives for Iberian lynx reintroduction in Aragon
  • Heydinger 2020 Human livestock and lion in northwest Namibia
  • Huffmeyer et al 2022 Inbreeding depression mountain lion Southern California
  • Jangid et al 2022 Hunting of hunted suitable habitat caracal
  • Karandikar et al 2022 Dietary patterns of puma
  • Khorozyan & Heurich 2023 Where why and how lynx kill domestic animals
  • Kolling 2017 ecology and conservation of carnivorous mammals in Rio Grande do Sul
  • Laundre & Papouchis 2020 What can we learn from sport hunting of pumas California
  • Li et al 2024 Habitat accessibility and snares impact large cats and their prey
  • Lorestani et al 2022 Ecological niche models reveal divergent habitat use of Pallas cat in Eurasian cold steppes
  • Loveridge et al 2022 Where have all the lions gone establishing realistic baselines
  • Lucena-Perez et al 2020 Genomic patterns in the widespread Eurasian lynx shaped by Late Quaternary
  • Martinez et al 2023 Melanistic jaguar record in northern Central America
  • Meissner et al 2023 Habitat destruction threatens jaguars Bolivia
  • Moorhouse et al 2023 Assessing potential of levy based system to replace trophy hunting
  • Mooring & Eppert 2022 Circadian and lunar activity patterns of jaguars and pumas
  • Moqanaki & Sanderson 2023 Honour the indigenous names for cat species
  • Nicholson et al 2023 Socio-political and ecological fragility African lion
  • Pereira et al 2022 Individual identification of large felids in field studies
  • Prakash 2022 Wildlife crime prevention measures undertaken in a protected area
  • Rafiq 2016 Risk-driven behaviour in the African leopard
  • Rafiq et al 2020 Spatial and temporal overlap between leopards and competitors
  • Rafiq et al 2023 Increasing ambient temperatures trigger shifts in activity patterns
  • Rondoni Fernandez 2019 Effects of environmental factors mammal richness Paso Centurion
  • Roopsind et al 2017 Logging and indigenous hunting impacts animal persistence
  • Schauer 2021 Willingness to coexist with jaguars and pumas in Costa Rica
  • Sehgal et al 2023 Leopard and wild boar sharing meal CN78
  • Serieys et al 2018 Anticoagulant poisons promote immune dysfunction in bobcats
  • Sernaque 2018 Death of vertebrates due to being run over in the district road network of Tambogrande Piura
  • Sharma & Neupane 2023 Enhancing human-tiger coexistence Nepal
  • Sharma et al 2023 Records of four cat species from Jawai
  • Uddin et al 2022 Market based wildlife trade dynamics Bangladesh
  • Vasquez Zuloeta 2018 mining investment and socio-environmental conflict
  • Weston et al 2023 Participatory research jaguarundi
  • White et al 2020 Cougar predation on northern caribou British Columbia

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(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)