IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Baatargal, O.; Suuri, B. 2021 Diet of the Pallas's cat (_Otocolobus manul_) in Mongolian steppe habitat during a population peak of Brandt's voles
Journal of Arid Environments (193)
Babaev, A.G. 1985 The cheetah
Book Chapter
Babbitt, B. 1998 Testimony on H.R. 3113, the Reauthorization of the Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act of 1994 amd H.R. 2807, the Rhino and Tiger Product Labeling Act
Full Book
Babich, K. 1964 Animal behaviour with respect to tourists in the Kruger National Park
Koedoe (7)
Babrgir, S.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Moqanaki, E.M. 2015 Socio-economic consequences of cattle predation by the Endangered Persian leopard _Panthera pardus saxicolor_ in a Caucasian conflict hotspot, northern Iran
Baca, M.; Popovic, D.; Panagiotopoulou, H.; Marciszak, A.; Krajcarz, M.; Krajcarz, M.T.; Makowiecki, D.; Weglenski, P.; Nadachowski, A. 2018 Human-mediated dispersal of cats in the Neolithic Central Europe
Heredity (121)
Back, P. 2001 Cougars in Pennsylvanya??
The Sylvanian
Bacon, M.M.; Becic, G.M.; Epp, M.T.; Boyce, M.S. 2011 Do GPS clusters really work? Carnivore diet from scat analysis and GPS telemetry methods
Wildlife Society Bulletin (35)
Bacon, M.M.; Boyce, M. 2016 Landscape of fear for naive prey: ungulates flee protected area to avoid a re-established predator
Canadian Wildlife Biology & Management (5)
Bacon, M.M.; Boyce, M.S. 2010 Scavenging of an Elk, _Cervus elaphus_, Carcass by Multiple Cougars,_ Puma concolor_, in Southeastern Alberta
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (124)
Badagliacca, P.; Di Sabatino, D.; Salucci, S.; Romeo, G.; Cipriani, M.; Sulli, N.; Dall'Acqua, F.; Ruggieri, M.; Calistri, P.; Morelli, D. 2016 The role of the wolf in endemic sylvatic Trichinella britovi infection in the Abruzzi region of Central Italy
Veterinary Parasitology (231)
Badenhorst, S.; Parsons, I.; Voigt, E.A. 2015 Fauna from five later stone age sites in the Bushmanland region of South Africa
Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History (5)
Badescu, A.-M.; Cotofana, L. 2015 A wireless sensor network to monitor and protect tigers in the wild
Ecological Indicators (57)
Badhe, Y.P.; Jaybhaye, R.G. 2021 Habitat suitability area analysis for leopard to mitigate human-wildlife conflict in Junnar Forest Division of Pune Forest Circle
Applied and Environmental Sciences (9)
Badingqiuying,; Smith, A.T.; Senko, J.; Siladan, M.U. 2016 Plateau Pika _Ochotona curzoniae_ Poisoning Campaign Reduces Carnivore Abundance in Southern Qinghai, China
Mammal Study (41)
Badridze, J.; Gurielidze, Z.; Todua, G.S.; Badridze, N.; Butkhuzi, L. 1992 The reintroduction of captive-raised large mammals into their natural habitat: problems and method
Full Book
Badstuber, D. 2002 Selection hivernale des proies par le loup et le lynx dans les montagnes de Bieszczandy (Pologne)
Full Book
Baenninger, R.; Estes, R.D.; Baldwin, S. 1977 Anti-predator behaviour of baboons and impalas toward a cheetah
East Africa Wildlife Journal (15)
Bagatharia, S.B.; Joshi, M.N.; Pandya, R.V.; Pandit, A.S.; Patel, R.P.; Desai, S.M.; Sharma, A.; Panchal, O.; Jasmani, F.P.; Saxena, A.K. 2013 Complete mitogenome of asiatic lion resolves phylogenetic status within _Panthera_
BMC Genomics (14)
Bagchi, S.; Goyal, S.P.; Sankar, K. 2003 Prey abundance and prey selection by tigers (_Panthera tigris_) in a semi-arid, dry deciduous forest in western India
Journal of Zoology (London) (260)
Bagchi, S.; Goyal, S.P.; Sankar, K. 2004 Herbivore density and biomass in a semi-arid tropical dry deciduous forest of western India
Journal of Tropical Ecology (20)
Bagchi, S.; Mishra, C. 2006 Living with large carnivores: predation on livestock by the snow leopard (_Uncia uncia_)
Journal of Zoology (268)
Bager, A.; Fontoura, V. 2013 Evaluation of the effectiveness of a wildlife roadkill mitigation system in wetland habitat
Ecological Engineering (53)
Bagla, P. 1995 Can the market save forests?
BBC Wildlife
Bagla, P. 2003 Experts Say Big Cats Don't Leave Useful Tracks
Science (300)
Bagla, P. 2012 Field Biologists Cry Foul Over Ban
Science (335)
Bagley, F. 2001 Rhinoceros and tiger conservation fund of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Conference Proceeding
Bagley, F. 2010 Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund
Book Chapter
Bagrade, G.; Rungis, D.E.; Ornicans, A.; Suba, J.; Zumna, A.; Howlett, S.J.; Lukins, M.; Gailite, A.; Stepanova, A.; Done, G.; Gaile A.,; Bitenieks, K.; Mihailova, L.; Baumanis, J.; Ozolins, J. 2016 Status assessment of Eurasian lynx in Latvia linking genetics and demography - a growing population or a source-sink process?
Mammal Research
Bahaa-el-din, L. 2012 Observations on a captive African golden cat
Cat News (57)
Bahaa-el-din, L. 2015 Ecology and conservation of the African golden cat_ Caracal aurata_
Full Book
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Cusack, J.J. 2018 Camera trapping in Africa: Paving the way for ease of use and consistency
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Henschel, P.; MacDonald, D.W.; Mills, D.; Slotow, R.; Hunter, L. 2014 The African golden cat _Caracal aurata_: Africa's least-known felid
Mammal Review (45)
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Henschel, P.; Slotow, R.; MacDonald, D.W.; Hunter, L. 2011 Systematic survey efforts of the African golden cat - Part 1. Results from Gabon
Cat News (55)
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Mills, D. 2013 The Phantom Feline Revisited
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Mills, D.; Hunter, L.; Henschel, P. 2015 _Caracal aurata_, African Golden Cat
Full Book
Bahaa-el-din, L.; Sollmann, R.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Slotow, R.; MacDonald, D.W.; Henschel, P. 2016 Effects of human land-use on Africa's only forest-dependent felid: the African golden cat _Caracal aurata_
Biological Conservation (199)
Bahuguna, A. 2018 Forensically informative nucleotide sequencing (FINS) for species and subspecies of genus _Prionailurus_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) through mitochondrial genes (12SrRNA and cytochrome b) by using old taxidermy samples
Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resources (3)
Bahuguna, V.K. 1986 Survey of public opinion for wildlife - A case study
Indian Forester (112 - Special Issue on Wildlife Management)
Baigas, P.E.; Squires, J.R.; Olson, L.E.; Ivan, J.S.; Roberts, E.K. 2017 Using environmental features to model highway crossing behavior of Canada lynx in the Southern Rocky Mountains
Landscape and Urban Planning (157)
Bailey, T.N.; Bangs, E.E.; Portner, M.F.; Malloy, J.C.; McAvinchey, R.J. 1986 An apparent overexploited lynx population on the Kenai peninsula Alaska USA
Journal of Wildlife Management (50(2))
Baines, D.A.; Faulkes, C.G.; Tomlinson, A.J.; Ning, P.C.Y.K. 1989 United States Patent: Repellent Composition
Bajimaya, S. 2000 Snow Leopard Manual - Field Study Techniques for the Kingdom of Nepal
Full Book
Bajomi, B.; Takacs-Santa, A. 2011 Generalizations in the reintroduction literature: a reply to Armstrong & Seddon
Oryx (45)
Bakels, H.E. The pact with the tiger - Preceptions of man-eating animals in Kerinci, Sumatra (Summary)
Book Chapter
Bakels, J. 1994 But his stripes remain - On the symbolism of the tiger in the oral traditions of Kerinci, Sumatra
Book Chapter
Baker, J.A.; Dwyer, P.M. 1987 Techniques for commercially harvesting furbearers
Book Chapter
Baker, L.A.; Warren, R.J.; Diefenbach, D.R.; James, W.E.; Conroy, M.J. 2001 Prey selection by reintroduced bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) on Cumberland Island, Georgia
American Midland Naturalist (145)
Baker, L.A.; Warren, R.J.; James, W.E. 1993 Bobcat prey digestibility and representation in scats
Conference Proceeding
Baker, L.R.; Tooze, Z.J.; Friant, S.C. 2008 Mammalian Reintroduction Survey. General Summary Report
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)