IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            923 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Ca¤¢n-Franco, W.A.; Arua£jo, F.A.P.; L¢pez-Orozco, N.; Jardim, M.M.A.; Keid, L.B.; Dalla-Rosa, C.; Cabral, A.D.; Pena, H.F.J.; Gennari, S.M. 2013 Toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging wild small felids from Brazil: Molecular detection and genotypic characterization
Veterinary Parasitology (197)
Caballero-Gini, A.; Bueno-Villafane, D.; Laino, R.; Musalem, K. 2020 Diversity of mammals and birds recorded with camera-traps in the Paraguayan Humid Chaco
Bolet¡n del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay (24)
Cabrera, A. 1914 Lynx pardellus Miller
Book Chapter
Cabrera, L. 1999 Cougar incidents rekindle hunt talk: Some see hounds as best response
Caceres-Martinez, C.H.; Acevedo Rincon, A.A.; Gonzalez-Mayaq, J.F. 2016 Terrestrial medium and large-sized mammal's diversity and activity patterns from Tam  National Natural Park and buffer zone, Colombia
Therya (7)
Cadell, P. 1935 The Indian Lion
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Cadman, M.; Gonzalez-Talavan, A. 2014 Publishing Camera Trap Data. A Best Practice Guide
Full Book
Cagnacci, F.; Boitani, L.; Powell, R.A.; Boyce, M.S. 2010 Animal ecology meets GPS-based radiotelemetry: a perfect storm of opportunities and challenges
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (365)
Cagnacci, F.; Boitani, L.; Powell, R.A.; Boyce, M.S. 2010 Preface
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (365)
Cagnini, D.Q.; Salgado, B.S.; Linardi, J.L.; Grandi, F.; Rocha, R.M.; Rocha, N.S.; Teixeira, C.R.; del Piero, F.; Sequeira, J.L. 2012 Ocular melanoma and mammary mucious carcinoma in an African lion
BMC Veterinary Research (8)
Cahez, F. 2002 Forest cat, the tiger of the woods
La Voie du Loup (13)
Cahill, T. 2001 Anybody seen a tiger around here?
Men's Journal (10 )
Caimi, B. 2021 Melanism in felids: _Panthera pardus'_ and _Panthera onca'_s case
Full Book
Cain, A.T.; Tuovila, V.R.; Hewitt, D.G.; Tewes, M.E. 2003 Effects of a highway and mitigation projects on bobcats in Southern Texas
Biological Conservation (114)
Caire, W. 2019 The distribution of the land mammals of Sonora, Mexico
Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science (48)
Caires, H.S.; Souza, C.R.; Lobato, D.N.C.; Fernandes, M.N.S.; Damasceno, J.S. 2019 Roadkilled mammals in the northern Amazon region and comparisons with roadways in other regions of Brazil
Iheringia, S‚rie Zoologia (109)
Cajal, J.L.; L¢pez, N. 1998 The largest carnivore in the Andes: the puma
Book Chapter
Cala‡a, A.; Fachi, M.; Silva, D.A.; Oliveira, S.R.; de Melo, R.F. 2018 Mammals recorded in isolated remnants of Atlantic Forest in southern Goi s, Brazil
Biota Neotropica (19)
Calatayud, O.; Esper¢n, F.; Velarde, R.; Oleaga, A.; Llaneza, L.; Ribas, A.; Negre, N.; de la Torre, A.; Rodr¡guez, A.; Mill n, J. 2020 Genetic characterization of Carnivore Parvoviruses in Spanish wildlife reveals domestic dog and cat-related sequences
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (67)
Cald‚ron, A.P.:; Louvrier, J.; Planillo, A.; Araya-Gamboa, D.; Arroyo-Acre, S.; Barrantes-N£¤ez, M.; Carazo-Salazar, J.; Corrales-Guti‚rrez, D.; Doncaster, C.P.; Foster, R.; Garc¡a, M.J.; Garcia-Anleu, R.; Harmsen, B.; Hern ndez-Potosme, S.; Leonardo, R.; Trigueros, D.M.; McNab, R.; Meyer, N.; Moreno, R.; Salom-P‚rez, R.; Sauma Rossi, A.; Thomson, I.; Thornton, D.; Urbina, Y.; Grimm, V.; Kramer-Schadt, S. 2022 Occupancy models reveal potential of conservation priorization for Central Amercian jaugars
Animal Conservation (Early View)
Caldwell, E.; Evans, C.; Jordan, D.; Logan, T.; Pritchard, P.C.H. 1994 Habitat issues panel
Conference Proceeding
Caldwell, J.R. 1984 South American Cats in Trade - the German Connection
Conference Proceeding
Calhoon, R.E.; Haspel, C. 1989 Urban cat populations compared by season, subhabitat and supplemental feeding
Journal of Animal Ecology (58)
Calil, P.R.; Gonzalez, I.H.L.; Salgado, P.A.B.; da Cruz, J.B.; Ramos, P.L.; Chagas, C.R.F. 2017 Hemogregarine parasites in wild captive animals, a broad study in SÆo Paulo Zoo
Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies (5)
Callahan, M. 1995 Just no sleepin' with a mountain lion in house
Calleia, F.d.O.; Rohe, F.; Gordo, M. 2009 Hunting strategy of the Margay (_Leopardus wiedii_) to attract the Wild Pied Tamarin (_Saguinus bicolor_)
Neotropical Primates (16)
Callicott, J.B.; Mumford, K. 1997 Ecological Sustainability as a Conservation Concept
Conservation Biology (11)
Callister, D.J.; Bythewood, T. 1995 Of tiger treatments and rhino remedies: trade in endangered species medicines in Australia and New Zealand
Full Book
Callou, C.; Samzun, A.; Zivie, A. 2004 A lion found in the Egyptian tomb of Ma‹a
Nature (427)
Calvete, C. 2002 Management tools to enhance wild rabbit populations
Conference Proceeding
Calvete, C. 2009 Status and trends of rabbit populations in the Iberian Peninsula
Book Chapter
Calvete, C. 2004 Status and evolution of rabbit populations - Identification of knowledge gaps
Conference Proceeding
Calxiong, Z. 1997 Forest loss is a threat to south China tigers
Calzada Samperio, J. 2008 Estrategia para la Conservaci¢n del Lince Ib‚rico
Full Book
Calzada, J. 1999 Lynx impact upon rabbit populations
Conference Proceeding
Calzada, J. 2008 Strategy for the conservation of the Iberian lynx in Spain 
Conference Proceeding
Calzada, J.; Gonz lez, L.M.; Guzm n, J.N.; Heredia, B. 2009 A new Strategy for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx
Book Chapter
Calzada, J.; Matutano, J.; Sabater, A. (eds) 2013 Ideas para conservar al Lince Ib‚rico. Nuevas aportaciones para la supervivencia del felino mas amenazado del mundo
Full Book
Calzada, J.; Palomares, F. 1996 Frequency of occurrence of different rabbit carcasses in lynx and fox droppings
Acta Vertebrata Do¤ana (23)
Cameron, A.; Banks, D.; Gosling, J. 2009 Saving the wild tiger: Enforcement, tiger trade and free market folly - an EIA discussion document
Full Book
Cameron-Beaumont, C.; Lowe, S.E.; Bradshaw, J.W.S. 2002 Evidence suggesting preadaptation to domestication throughout the small Felidae
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (75)
Camino, M.; Cortez, S.; Cerezo, A.; Altrichter, M. 2016 Wildlife conservation, perceptions of different co-existing cultures
International Journal of Conservation Science (7)
Campana, L.S. 2020 Endangered birds and mammals in protected areas: a case study in the Sete Cidades National Park, Piau¡
Full Book
Campbell, B.M.; Costanza, R.; van den Belt, M. 2000 Special section:Land use options in dry tropical woodland ecosystems in Zimbabwe
Ecological Economics (33)
Campbell, D.; Swanson, G.M.; Sales, J. 2004 Comparing the precision and cost-effectiveness of faecal pellet group count methods
Journal of Applied Ecology (41)
Campbell, K.L.I.; Borner, M. 1986 Census of predators on the Serengeti plains, May 1986
Full Book
Campbell, L.M. 1999 Ecotourism in rural developing communities
Annals of Tourism Research (26)
Campbell, M.O.; Alvarado, M.E.T. 2011 Public perceptions of jaguars, pumas and coyotes in El Salvador
Area (43)
Campbell, P.; Alonso, A.; Lee, M.; Dallmeier, F. 2003 Biodiversity Research, Monitoring and Training in the Gamba Complex
Full Book
Campbell, R. Spatial ecology of the Scottish wildcat
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)