IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            234 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Ehlert, K. 2005 Chronoethology and_ Environmental Enrichment_ in zoo biology and its application in the keeping of the Siberian lynx (_Lynx lynx wrangelii_)
Full Book
Ehlert, T. 2013 Study on the ethology of the Asiatic golden cat (_Pardofelis temminckii_) in captivity using chronoethological methods 
Full Book
Ehrich, D.; Stromeng, M.A.; Killengreen, S.T. 2016 Interference in the tundra predator guild studied using local ecological knowledge
Oecologia (180)
Ehrlich, P.R.; Ehrlich, A.H. 2013 Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (280)
Eia, 2013 Hidden in plain sight - China's clandestine tiger trade
Full Book
Eia, 2013 Stop stimulating demand - Let wildlife-trade bans work
Full Book
Eia, 2017 The lion's share - South Africa's trade exacerbates demand for tiger parts and derivatives
Full Book
Eia, 2008 Skin Deep: The need for effective enforcement to combat the Asian Big Cat skin trade
Full Book
Eia, 2009 A deadly game of cat and mouse: tiger criminals give China the run-around
Full Book
Eia, 2015 Sin City - Illegal wildlife trade in Laos' Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone
Full Book
Eiberle, K. 1982 The lynx - basic questions of its reintroduction
Der Schweizer Foerster (118(11))
Eiberle, K. 1972 Lebensweise und Bedeutung des Luchses in der Kulturlandschaft - dargestellt anhand der Ausrottungsgeschichte in der Schweiz
Mammalia depicta (8)
Eiberle, K.; Lingg, W. 1984 Remarkable witnesses of the former fight against large predators
Feld Wald Wasser (12)
Eichholzer, A. 2010 Testing the applicability of pictures taken by camera-traps for monitoring the European wildcat _Felis silvestris silvestris _in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland
Full Book
Eid, E.; Handal, R. 2018 Illegal hunting in Jordan: using social media to assess impact on wildlife
Oryx (52)
Eisenberg, J.F. 1989 Family Felidae (Cats)
Book Chapter
Eisenberg, J.F. 1993 Cat maps for Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador
Eizirik, E.; Bonatto, S.L.; Johnson, W.E.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Vi‚, J.C.; Brousset, D.M.; O'Brien, S.J.; Salzano, F.M. 1998 Phylogeographic Patterns and Evolution of the Mitochondrial DNA Control Region in Two Neotropical Cats (Mammalia, Felidae)
Journal of Molecular Evolution (47)
Eizirik, E.; David, V.A.; Buckley-Beason, V.; Roelke, M.E.; Schaeffer, A.A.; Hannah, S.S.; Narfstroem, K.; O'Brien, S.J.; Menotti-Raymond, M. 2010 Defining and mapping mammalian coat pattern genes: multiple genomic regions implicated in domestic cat stripes and spots
Genetics (184 )
Eizirik, E.; de Paula, R.C.; Morato, R.G.; Gasparini-Morato, R.; Cavalcanti, S.M.C. 2021 Peter Crawshaw Jr. 1952-2021
Cat News (73)
Eizirik, E.; Haag, T.; Santos, A.S.; Salzano, F.M.; Silveira, L.; Azevedo, F.C.C.; Furtado M.M., 2008 Jaguar conservation genetics
Cat News (Special Issue 4)
Eizirik, E.; Indrusk, C.B.; Trigo, T.C.; Sana, D.A.; Mazim, F.D.; Freitas, T.R.O. 2006 Refined Mapping and Characterization of the Geographic Contact Zone Between Oncilla and Geoffroy's Cat in Southern Brazil
Cat News (45)
Eizirik, E.; Kim, J.-H.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; O'Brien, S.J.; Johnson, W.E. 2001 Phylogeography, population history and conservation genetics of jaguars (Panthera onca, Mammalia, Felidae)
Molecular Ecology (10)
Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J.; Koepfli, K.-P.; Johnson, W.E.; Dragoo, J.W.; Wayne, R.K.; O'Brien, S.J. 2010 Pattern and timing of diversification of the mammalian order Carnivora inferred from multiple nuclear gene sequences
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (56)
Eizirik, E.; Trigo, T.C.; Haag, T.; Freitas, T.R.O.; Bonatto, S.L.; Salzano, F.M.; Oliveira, T.G.; Sana, D.A.; Cullen Jr., L.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Morato, R.G.; Johnson, W.E.; O'Brien, S.J. 2007 Conservation Genetics and Molecular Ecology of Neotropical Felids
Conference Proceeding
Eizirik, E.; Trindade, F.J. 2021 Genetics and evolution of mammalian coat pigmentation
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences (9)
Eizirik, E.; Yuhki, N.; Johnson, W.E.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Hannah, S.S.; O'Brien, S.J. 2003 Molecular genetics and evolution of melanism in the cat family
Current Biology (13)
Eklund, R. 2015 Grimaldi's "Discovery of the Cat Language": A theory in need of revival (or perhaps not?)
Conference Proceeding
Eklund, R. 2024 Does purring "ronron" in the family? A longitudinal and intra-family study of purring in a female cheetah as a cub and as an adult and purring in her father as an adult and brother as a cub
Conference Proceeding
Eklund, R.; Peters, G. 2013 A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in juvenile, subadult and adult cheetahs
Conference Proceeding
Eklund, R.; Peters, G.; Ananthakrishnan, G.; Mabiza, E. 2011 An acoustic analysis of lion roars. I: Data collection and spectrogram and waveform analyses
Conference Proceeding
Eklund, R.; Peters, G.; Duthie, E.D. 2010 An acoustic analysis of purring in the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_) and in the domestic cat (_Felis catus_)
Conference Proceeding
Eklund, R.; Peters, G.; Weise, F.; Munro, S. 2012 An acoustic analysis of agonistic sounds in wild cheetahs
Conference Proceeding
Eklund, R.; Peters, G.; Weise, F.; Munro, S. 2012 A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cheetahs
Conference Proceeding
El Alami, A.; Fattah, A. 2022 Human-carnivore conflict management in the central High Atlas mountains of Morocco
Oryx (56)
El Algamy, H.; Simkins, G. 2007 Camera trap survey in the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve
Wildlife Middle East (2)
El Algamy, H.; Simkins, G. 2007 Camera trap survey in the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve
Wildlife Middle East (2)
El Alqamy, H.; Wacher, T.; Hamada, A.; Rashad, S. 2003 Camera traps;a non-invasive sampling technique to redefine the large mammals fauna of South Sinai
Full Book
El-Mashjary, M.S. 1995 The Arabian leopard, its habitat & prey in the Republic of Yemen Workshop on the Arabian Leopard (Panthera Pardus nimr), 15-16 October, 1995
Conference Proceeding
Elagupillay, S. 1984 Territorial range of an adult tigeress at the Behrang Ulu cattle farm
The Journal of Wildlife and Parks (3)
Elagupillay, S.; Senawi, J.; Mohamed, N.Z. 2007 Establishing a systematic monitoring mechanism to improve the scientific knowledge and management of wildlife in Malaysia
Conference Proceeding
Elagupillay, S.T. 1983 Livestock depredation problem by tigers in cattle farms
The Journal of Wildlife and Parks (2)
Elbroch, I.M.; Jansen, B.D.; Grigione, M.M.; Sarno, R.J.; Wittmer, H.U. 2013 Trailing hounds vs foot snares: comparing injuries to pumas _Puma concolor_ captured in Chilean Patagonia
Wildlife Biology (19)
Elbroch, L.M.; Allen, M.L.; Lowrey, B.H.; Wittmer, H.U. 2014 The difference between killing and eating: ecological shortcomings of puma energetic models
Ecosphere (5)
Elbroch, L.M.; Hoogesteijn, R.; Quigley, H. 2016 Cougars (_Puma concolor_) killed by North American Porcupines (_Erethizon dorsatum_)
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (130)
Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Alexander, P.D.; Quigley, H. 2014 Cougar den site selection in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem
Mammal Research (60)
Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Allen, M.L.; Wittmer, H.U. 2014 Nowhere to hide: pumas, black bears and competition refuges
Conference Proceeding
Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Allen, M.L.; Wittmer, H.U. 2015 Nowhere to hide: pumas, black bears, and competition refuges
Behavioral Ecology (1)
Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Newby, J.; Quigley, H.; Craighead, D. 2013 Seasonal foraging ecology of non-migratory cougars in a system with migratory prey
PLoS ONE (8)
Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Newby, J.; Quigley, H.; Thompson, D.J. 2015 Recolonizing wolves influence the realized niche of resident cougars
Zoological Studies (54)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)