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Fa, J.E. 1985 Oued-El-Abid / Bou Tferda Gorge as potential release site for captive bred Barbary Macaques
Full Book
Fabiano, E.C. 2013 Demografia hist¢rica e contemporƒnea de guepardos na Nam¡bia, µfrica austral
Full Book
Fabiano, E.C.; Sutherland, C.; Fuller, A.K.; Nghikembua, M.; Eizirik, E.; Marker, L.L. 2020 Trends in cheetah _Acinonyx jubatus_ density in northcentral Namibia
Population Ecology (62)
Fabregas, M.C.; Fosgate, G.T.; Koehler, G.M. 2015 Hunting performance of captive-born South China tigers (_Panthera tigris amoyensis_) on free-ranging prey and implications for their reintroduction
Biological Conservation (192)
Fabregas, M.C.; Garces-Narro, C. 2014 Validation of gum-line recession as a reliable technique to age tigers
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60 )
Facemire, C.F.; Guillette, L.J. 1994 Reproductive impairment in the Florida panther: Are contaminants a factor?
Conference Proceeding
Fadakar, D.; Rezaei, H.R.; Hosseini, M.; Sheykhi Ilanloo, S.; Zamani, W. 2013 Detecting domestic dog in diet of Persian leopard using DNA tools
The International Journal of Environmental Resources Research (1)
Fagan, W.F.; Meir, E.; Prendergast, J.; Folarin, A.; Karleva, P. 2001 Characterizing population vulnerability for 758 species
Ecological Letters (4)
Fagotto, F. 1985 The lion in Somalia
Mammalia (49)
Fagotto, F. 1985 Larger animals of Somalia in 1984
Environmental Conservation (12)
Fahlman, A. 2005 Anaesthesia of wild carnivores and primates
Full Book
Fahlman, A.; Loveridge, A.; Foggin, C.; Wenham, C.; Arnemo, J.M.; Nyman, G. 2004 Reversible anaesthesia of free-ranging lions (_Panthera leo)_ in Zimbabwe
Conference Proceeding
Fahrig, L. 2001 How much habitat is enough?
Biological Conservation (100)
Faircloth, B.C.; Reid, A.; Valentine, T.; Hyung Eo, S.; Terhune, T.M.; Glenn, T.C.; Palmer, W.E.; Nairn, C.P.; Carroll, J.P. 2005 Tetranucleotide, trinucleotide, and dinucleotide loci from the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_)
Molecular Ecology Notes (5)
Faizah, U. 2008 Karakteristik Marka Genetik DNA Mitokondria Sebagai Acuan Konservasi Genetik Harimau Sumatera
Full Book
Faizah, U. 2009 Karakteristik marka genetik daerah D-loop bagian HVS-I sebagaiacuan konservasi genetik harimau sumatera
Conference Proceeding
Faizolahi, K. 2016 Tiger in Iran - historical distribution, extinction causes and feasibility of reintroduction
Cat News Special Issue (10)
Fajardo Quispe, U.C. 2014 Ecologia trofica de _Leopardus colocolo_ en la reserva nacional de junin y alrededores
Full Book
Falcao, F.d.C.; Areas Guanaes, D.H.; Paglia, A. 2012 Medium and large-sized mammals of RPPN Esta‡Æo Veracel, southernmost Bahia, Brazil
Check List (8)
Falcon-Ordaz, J.; Iturbe-Morgado, J.C.; Rojas-Martinez, A.E.; Garcia-Prieto, L. 2015 _Lagochilascaris minor _(Nematoda: Ascarididae) from a wild cougar (_Puma concolor_) in Mexico
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (52)
Faller, J.C.; Chavez, C.; Johnson, S.; Ceballos, G. 2011 Jaguar population density and size in the northeastern Yucatan Peninsula
Book Chapter
Falser, N. A Visitor's Experience in Primorye
Fanson, K.; Wielebnowski, N.; Lucas, J. 2009 Reproductive physiology of Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_)
Book Chapter
Fanson, K.V.; Wielebnowski, N.C. 2013 Effect of housing and husbandry practices on adrenocortical activity in captive Canada lynx
Animal Welfare (22)
Fanson, K.V.; Wielebnowski, N.C.; Shenk, T.M.; Jakubas, W.J.; Squires, J.R.; Lucas, J.R. 2010 Patterns of testicular activity in captive and wild Canada lynx
General and Comparative Endocrinology (169)
Fanson, K.V.; Wielebnowski, N.C.; Shenk, T.M.; Vashon, J.H.; Squires, J.R.; Lucas, J.R. 2010 Patterns of ovarian and luteal activity in captive and wild Canada lynx
General and Comparative Endocrinology (169)
Fanson, K.V.; Wlelebnowski, N.C.; Shenk, T.M.; Lucas, J.R. 2012 Comparative patterns of adrenal activity in captive and wild Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_)
Journal of Comparative Physiology B (182)
Farashi, A.; Shariati, M. 2018 Evaluation of the role of the national parks for Persian leopard habitat conservation (case study: Tandooreh National Park, Iran)
Mammal Research (63)
Farashi, A.; Shariati, M.; Hosseini, M. 2017 Identifying biodiversity hotspots for threatened mammal species in Iran
Mammalian Biology (87)
Farhadinia, M.; Hemami, M.-R. 2010 Prey selection by the critically endangered Asiatic cheetah in central Iran
Journal of Natural History (44)
Farhadinia, M.; Nezami, B.; Mahdavi, A.; Hatami, K. 2007 Photos of Persian leopard in Alborz Mountains, Iran
Cat News (46)
Farhadinia, M.S. 2004 The last stronghold: cheetah in Iran
Cat News (40)
Farhadinia, M.S. 2007 Ecology and conservation of the Asiatic cheetah in Miandasht Wildlife Refuge, Iran
Full Book
Farhadinia, M.S.; Ahmadi, M.; Sharbafi, E.; Khosravi, S.; Alinezhad, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2015 Leveraging trans-boundary conservation partnerships: persistence of Persian leopard (_Panthera pardus saxicolor_) in the Iranian Caucasus
Biological Conservation (191)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Akbari, H.; Beheshti, M.; Sadeghi, A.; Halvani, M.R. 2008 Felids of Abbasabad Naein Reserve, Iran
Cat News (48)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Akbari, H.; Eslami, M.; Adibi, M.A. 2016 A review of ecology and conservation status of Asiatic cheetah in Iran
Cat News Special Issue (10)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Akbari, H.; Mousavi, S.J.; Eslami, M.; Azizi, M.; Shokouhi, J.; Gholikhani, N.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F. 2013 Exceptionally long movements of the Asiatic cheetah_ Acinonyx jubatus venaticus_ across multiple arid reserves in central Iran
Oryx (47)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Alinezhad, H.; Hadipour, E.; Memarian, I.; Ostrowski, S.; Hobeali, K.; Dadashi-Jourdehi, A.; Johnson, P.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2018 Intraspecific killing among Leopards (_Panthera pardus_) in Iran (_Mammalia: Felidae_)
Zoology in the Middle East (64)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Farahmand, H.; Gavashelishvili, A.; Kaboli, M.; Karami, M.; Khalili, B.; Montazamy, S. 2015 Molecular and craniological analysis of leopard, Panthera pardus (Carnivora: Felidae) in Iran: support for a monophyletic clade in Western Asia
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (114)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Gholikhani, N.; Behnoud, P.; Hobeali, K.; Taktehrani, A.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F.; Eslami, M.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2016 Wandering the barren deserts of Iran: Illuminating high mobility of the Asiatic cheetah with sparse data
Journal of Arid Environments (134 )
Farhadinia, M.S.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F.; Nezami, B.; Harati, H.; Absalan, H.; Fabiano, E.; Marker, L.L. 2012 Feeding ecology of the Asiatic cheetah Acinonyx jubatus venaticus in low prey habitats in northeastern Iran: Implications for effective conservation
Journal of Arid Environments (87)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Jourabchian, A.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F.; Akbari, H.; Ziaie, H.; Schaller, G.B.; Jowkar, H. 2017 The critically endangered Asiatic cheetah _Acinonyx jubatus venaticus_ in Iran: a review of recent distribution, and conservation status
Biodiversity Conservation (26)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Jafarzadeh, F.; Sharbafi, E.; Moqanaki, E.M. 2011 Conservation education to save the endangered Persian leopard in Iran
Full Book
Farhadinia, M.S.; Johnson, P.J.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 Wolves can suppress goodwill for leopards: Patterns of human-predator coexistence in northeastern Iran
Biological Conservation (213)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Johnson, P.J.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W. 2018 Persian leopard predation patterns and kill rates in the Iran-Turkmenistan borderland
Journal of Mammalogy (99)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Johnson, P.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2018 Anchoring and adjusting amidst humans: Ranging behavior of Persian leopards along the Iran-Turkmenistan borderland
PLoS ONE (13)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Johnson, P.J.; Zimmermann, A.; McGowan, P.J.K.; Mejaard, E.; Stanley-Price, M.; Maconald, D.W. 2021 Ex situ management as insurance against extinction of mammalian megafauna in an uncertain world
Conservation Biology (34)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Jourabchian, A.; Eslami, M.; Hosseini, F.; Nezami, B. 2008 Is Food Availability a Reliable Indicator of Cheetah Presence in Iran?
Cat News (49)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Kaboli, M.; Karami, M.; Farahmand, H. 2014 Patterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) and implications for sex differentiation
Zoology in the Middle East (60)
Farhadinia, M.S.; Mahdavi, A.; Hosseini-Zavarei, F. 2009 Reproductive ecology of Persian leopard, Panthera pardus saxicolor, in Sarigol National Park, northeastern Iran
Zoology in the Middle East (48)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)