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Ferreti, F.; Lovari, S.; Hayward, M.; Stephens, P.A. 2020 Only the largest terrestrial carnivores increase their dietary breadth with increasing prey richness
Mammal Review (50)
Ferretti, F.; Lovari, S. 2016 Predation may counteract climatic change as a driving force for movements of mountain ungulates
Behavioural Processes (129)
Ferretti, F.; Lovari, S.; Minder, I.; Pellizzi, B. 2014 Recovery of the snow leopard in Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park: effects on main prey
European Journal of Wildlife Research (60)
Ferris, W.B. 1900 A mark on the skin of a man-eating tiger
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (12)
Ferris, W.B. 1906 Hereditary melanism
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (16)
Ferry, T. 2009 In Search of Taiwan's Clouded Leopard
Taiwan Review (March 2009)
Ferson, S.; Burgman, M.A. 1995 Correlations, dependency bounds and extinction risks
Biological Conservation (73)
Festetics, A. 1979 La rintroduction du lynx dans les Alpes orientales Reintroduction of the Lynx in the Eastern Alps Die Reintroduktion de Luchses in die Ostalpen
Conference Proceeding
Feuz, C. 2001 Pro Natura tire sur le canton
Feuz, C.; Olivieri, G.; Es-Borrat, E. 2000 Il y on a trop! Qui a empoisonn les lynx?
Fey, V. 1964 The diet of leopards
African Wild Life (18)
Fieberg, J.; Boerger, L. 2012 Could you please phrase "home range" as a question?
Journal of Mammalogy (93)
Fieberg, J.; Matthiopoulos, J.; Hebblewhite, M.; Boyce, M.S.; Frair, J.L. 2010 Correlation and studies of habitat selection: problem, red herring or opportunity?
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (265)
Fielitz, U. 2003 Satellite Telemetry in Wildlife Research Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
Figel, J.J. 2008 Community protected areas and the conservation of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and their prey in the Chinantla region of the Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico
Full Book
Figel, J.J.; Botero-Ca¤elo, J.J.; S nchez-Londo¤o, J.D.; Racero-Casarrubia, J. 2021 Jaguars and pumas exhibit distinct spatiotemporal responses to human disturbances in Colombia's most imperiled ecoregion
Journal of Mammalogy (102)
Figel, J.J.; Duran, E.; Barton Bray, D. 2011 Conservation of the jaguar _Panthera onca_ in a community-dominated landscape in montane forests in Oaxaca, Mexico
Oryx (45)
Figel, J.J.; Durn, E.; Barton Bray, D.; Prisciliano-Vzquez, J.-R. 2009 New jaguar records from montane forest at a priority site in southern Mexico
Cat News (50)
Figel, J.J.; Safriansyah, R.; Baabud, S.F.; Herman, Z. 2023 Snaring in a stronghold: Poaching and bycatch of critically endangered tigers in northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Biological Conservation (286)
Figueir¢, H.V. 2016 Genomic analysis of the jaguar (_Panthera onca_): characterization of the complete genome and investigation of regions under selection through interspecific and population comparisons
Full Book
Figueiredo, M.G.; Cervini, M.; Rodrigues, F.P.; Eizirik, E.; Azevedo, F.C.C.; Cullen Jr., L.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Galetti, P.M.J. 2015 Lack of population genetic structuring in ocelots (_Leopardus pardalis_) in a fragmented landscape
Diversity (7)
Figueiro, H.V. 2010 C¢digo de barra de DNA de mam¡feros netoropicais, e sua aplica‡Æo em estudos ecol¢gicos de carn¡voros
Full Book
Figueiro, H.V.; Li, G.; Trindade, F.J.; Assis, J.; Pais, F.; Fernandes, G.; Santos, S.H.D.; Hughes, G.M.; Komissarov, A.; Antunes, A.; Trinca, C.S.; Rodrigues, M.R.; Linderoth, T.; Bi, K.; Silveira, L.; Azevedo, F.C.C.; Kantek, D.; Ramalho, E.; Brassaloti, R.A.; Villela, P.M.S.; Nunes, A.L.V.; Teixeira, R.H.F.; Morato, R.G.; Loska, D.; Sarageta, P.; Gabaldon, T.; Teeling, E.C.; O'Brien, S.J.; Nielsen, R.; Coutinho, L.L.; Oliveira, G.; Murphy, W.J.; Eizirik, E. 2017 Genome-wide signatures of complex introgression and adaptive evolution in the big cats
Science Advances (3)
Figueroa, O.; Jcf,; Mazzolli, M. 2009 Jaguar News - March 2009
Figueroa, R.A.; Corales, E.S.; Rau, J.R. 2024 Prey of the gui¤a (_Leopardus guigna_) in an Andean mixed southern beech forest, southern Chile
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (53)
Figuier, L. 1870 Mammalia - Popularly described by typical species - with numerous anecdotes
Full Book
Filacorda, S.; Comin, A.; Franchini, M.; Frangini, L.; Pesaro, S.; Pezzin, E.N.; Prandi, A. 2021 Cortisol in Hair: Do Habitat Fragmentation and Competition with Golden Jackal (_Canis aureus_) Measurably Affect the Long-Term Physiological Response in European Wildcat (_Felis silvestris_)?
Annales Zoologici Fennici (59)
Filla, M.; Premier, J.; Magg, N.; Dupke, C.; Khorozyan, I.; Waltert, M.; Bufka, L.; Heurich, M. 2017 Habitat selection by Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) is primarily driven by avoidance of human activity during day and prey availability during night
Ecology and Evolution (7)
Filli, F.; Frey, H.; Molinari-Jobin, A. 2017 Die Wiedereinbuergerung dreier symboltraechtiger Arten im Alpenraum
Natur und Landschaft (92)
Filoni, C. 2006 Exposi‡ao de fel¡deos selvagens a agentes infecciosos selecionados
Full Book
Filoni, C.; Cato-Dias, J.L.; Bay, G.; Durigon, E.L.; Pinto Jorge, R.S.; Lutz, H.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R. 2006 First Evidence of Feline Herpesvirus, Calicivirus, Parvovirus, and _Ehrlichia _Exposure in Brazilian Free-ranging Felids
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (42)
Filoni, C.; Cato-Dias, J.L.; Lutz, H.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R. 2008 Retrovirus Infections and Brazilian Wild Felids
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology (1)
Filoni, C.; de Jesus Pena, H.F.; Gennari, S.M.; Sampaio Cristo, D.; Neves Torres, L.; Cato-Dias, J.L. 2009 Heartworm (_Dirofilaria immitis_) disease in a Brazilian oncilla (_Leopardus tigrinus_)
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira (29)
Filoni, C.; Helfer-Hungerbuehler, A.K.; Catao-Dias, J.L.; Marques, M.C.; Neves Torres, L.; Reinacher, M.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R. 2017 Putative progressive and abortive feline leukemia virus infection outcomes in captive jaguarundis (_Puma yagouaroundi_)
Virology Journal (14:226)
Finarelli, J.A. 2010 Does encephalization correlate with life history or metabolic rate in Carnivora?
Biology Letters (6)
Finarelli, J.A.; Goswami, A. 2009 The evolution of orbit orientation and encephalization in the Carnivora (Mammalia)
Journal of Anatomy (214)
Finerty, G.E.; Bahaa-el-din, L.; Henley, S.; Kesch, M.K.; Seymour-Smith, J.; van der Weyde, L.K.; MacDonald, D.W.; Loveridge, A.J. 2019 Range expansion: Servals spotted in the Kalahari
Cat News (69)
Finerty, J.P. 1979 Cycles in Canadian lynx
American Naturalist (114(3))
Fingesi, U.I.; Tyowua, B.T.; Fajobi, E.A.; Jamilu, S.M. 2019 Species richness and diversity of birds in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
World News of Natural Science (22)
Finn, F. 1909 The wild beasts of the world
Full Book
Finn, K.T.; Criffield, M.A.; Onorato, D.P.; Reed, D.L. 2013 The impact of genetic restoration on cranial morphology of Florida panthers (_Puma concolor coryi_)
Journal of Mammalogy (94)
First, B.; Frkovic, A.; Gomercic, T.; Huber, D.; Kos, I.; Kovacic, D.; Kusak, J.; Majic-Skrbinsek, A.; Spudic, D.; Starcevic, M.; Stahan, Z.; Strbenac, A. 2005 Lynx Management Plan for Croatia
Full Book
Fischer, A.; Sandstrom, C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B.; Tadie, D.; Randall, D.; Hailu, F.; Lowassa, A.; Msuha, M.; Kerezi, V.; Reljic, S.; Linnell, J.; Majic, A. 2013 On the multifunctionality of hunting - an institutional analysis of eight cases from Europe and Africa
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (56)
Fischer, A.; Weldesemaet, Y.T.; Czajkowski, M.; Tadie, D.; Hanley, N. 2015 Trophy hunters' willingness to pay for wildlife conservation and community benefits
Conservation Biology (29)
Fischer, F.; Gross, M.; Linsenmair, K.E. 2002 Updated list of the larger mammals of the Como National Park, Ivory Coast
Mammalia (66)
Fischer, H. 1976 The vanishing bobcat
Defenders - Educational supplement
Fischer, J.; Lindenmayer, D.B. 2000 An assessment of the published results of animal relocations
Biological Conservation (96)
Fischer, S. 1990 La loi de la nature est impitoyable
Fischer, S. The cheetah runs to its loss
Fischer, W.A.; Ramos-Neto, M.B.; Silveira, L.; Jacomo, A.T.A. 2003 Human transportation network as ecological barrier for wildlife on Brazilian Pantanal-Cerrado corridors
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)