IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Gabel, R.; Inskipp, T.P. 1994 Convention on international trade in endangeres species of wild fauna and flora Summary report of the Committee I Meeting
Conference Proceeding
Gabucio Vilarrasa, M.J. 2017 _Felis silvestris_ record at the Romani abric (Capellades, Barcelona) - review, analysis, interpretation and contextualisation
Book Chapter
Gadgil, M. 2007 Empowering Gramsabhas to Manage Biodiversity: The Science Agenda
Economic and Political Weekly
Gadsby, E.L. 1991 Comments on Nigeria - Extract: Felis aurata, Felis caracal, Felis serval
Gaerdes, J. 1974 Cheetahs in South West Africa
Newsletter - Mitteilungen - Nuusbrief
Gaerdes, J. 1974 Cheetahs in South West Africa
Newsletter - Mitteilungen - Nuusbrief
Gaerdes, J. 1974 Cheetahs in South West Africa
Newsletter - Mitteilungen - Nuusbrief
Gaillard, D.L. 2001 Mapping occupied habitat for forest carnivores in the American west and estimating their conservation status
Endangered Species UPDATE (18)
Gaillard, D.L. 1969 On the presence of the golden cat (_Felis aurata_ Temminck) and of the caracal (_Felis caracal_ Schreber) in southern Senegal
Mammalia (33)
Gaillard, J.-M.; Hebblewhite, M.; Loison, A.; Fuller, M.; Powell, R.; Basille, M.; van Moorter, B. 2010 Habitat-performance relationships: finding the right metric at a given spatial scale
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (365)
Gaillard, J.-M.; Nilsen, E.B.; Odden, J.; Andrā€šn, H.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2014 One size fits all: Eurasian lynx females share a common optimal litter size
Journal of Animal Ecology (83)
Gajardo Valenzuela, C.A. 2016 Comparative analysis of conservation policies for Southamerican wild cats, case study of the puma (_Puma concolor_)
Full Book
Gakuya, F.; Ombui, J.; Maingi, N.; Muchemi, G.; Ogara, W.; Soriguer, R.C.; Alasaad, S. 2012 Sarcoptic mange and cheetah conservation in Masai Mara (Kenya): epidemiological study in a wildlife/livestock system
Parasitology (139)
Gakuya, F.; Rossi, L.; Ombui, J.; Maingi, N.; Muchemi, G.; Ogara, W.; Soriguer, R.C.; Alasaad, S. 2011 The curse of the prey: _Sarcoptes_ mite molecular analysis reveals potential prey-to-predator parasitic infestation in wild animals from Masai Mara, Kenya
Parasites & Vectors (4)
Galentine, S.P.; Fitzhugh, E.L. 1996 Standardizing photographs of puma tracks for digital processing Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Galentine, S.P.; Swift, P.K. 2007 Interspecific killing among mountain lions (_Puma concolor_)
The Southwestern Naturalist (52)
Galetti, M.; Eizirik, E.; Beisiegel, B.; Rerraz, K.; Cavalcanti, S.; Srbek-Araujo, A.C.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Paviolo, A.; Galetti Jr, P.M.; Jorge, M.L.; Marinho-Filho, J.; Vercillo, U.; Morato, R. 2013 Atlantic Rainforest's Jaguars in Decline
Science (342)
Galhano Alves, J.P. 1996 A perfect world
Down to Earth
Galhano Alves, J.P. Men and tigers in Sariska Tiger Reserve, India
Galhano Alves, J.P. 1999 Of large carnivores and humans
Down to Earth
Galhano Alves, J.P. 2001 Cons‚rver et restaurer la biodiversit‚ totale, des hommes, des grands carnivores et des grands herbivores sauvages. Une approche multidisciplinaire et comparative internationale. Illustration … partir de deux ‚tudes de cas: tigres en Inde, loups au Portugal
Bulletin Juridique International de la Protection des Aminaux
Galhano Alves, J.P. 2000 Du tigre au loup: La biodiversit‚ totale est l'avenir de l'homme
La Voie du Loup
Gallagher, A. 2015 Comparative morphometric analysis of the proximal femur of African hominids and felids
South African Journal of Science (111)
Gallagher, P. 1994 "Coo-wah-chobee" - The cultural significance of the Florida panther to native Americans
Conference Proceeding
Gallardo, G.; NuĀ¤ez, A.; Pacheco, L.F.; Ruiz-GarcĀ”a, M. 2009 Conservacion del puma en el Parque Nacional Sajama (Bolivia): estado poblacional y alternativas de manejo
Mastozoologia Neotropical (16)
Gallo, T.; Stinson, L.T.; Pejchar, L. 2016 Pinyon-juniper removal has long-term effects on mammals
Forest Ecology and Management (377)
Gallo-Reynoso, J.-P.; Navarro-Serment, C.J. 2002 Range expansion of margay in northwestern Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (47)
Gallusova, M.; Jirsova, D.; Mihalca, A.D.; Gherman, C.M.; D'Amico, G.; Qablan, M.A.; Modry, D. 2016 _Cytauxzoon_ infections in wild felids from Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space: further evidence for a different _Cytauxzoon_ species in European felids
Journal of Parasitology (102)
Galovic, R. 2013 Livestock protection and large carnivores - a model test in Switzerland
Full Book
Galster, S.; Schaedla, W.; Redford, T. 2010 Partnering to stop poaching: developing cross-sector strategic responses to wildlife poaching
Book Chapter
Galster, S.R.; Eliot, K.V. 1999 Roaring back: anti-poaching strategies for the Russian Far East and the comeback of the Amur tiger
Book Chapter
Galster, S.R.; LaBudde, S.F.; Stark, C. Organized crime and the illegal wildlife trade
Full Book
Galvan, I. 2019 Correlated Evolution of White Spots on Ears and Closed Habitat Preferences in Felids
Journal of Mammalian Evolution
Galvan, J.A.V. 2009 Distribution and conservation status of the jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Full Book
Galvez Lopez, E. 2014 Limb morphometrics in Carnivora: locomotion, phylogeny and size
Full Book
Galvez, N.; Guillera-Arroita, G.; John, F.A.V.S.; SchĀttler, E.; MacDonald, D.W.; Davies, Z.G. 2018 A spatially integrated framework for assessing socioecological drivers of carnivore decline
Journal of Applied Ecology (55)
Galvez, N.; Hernandez, F.; Laker, J.; Gilabert, H.; Petitpas, R.; Bonacic, C.; Gimona, A.; Hester, A.; MacDonald, D.W. 2013 Forest cover outside protected areas plays an important role in the conservation of the Vulnerable guiĀ¤a _Leopardus guigna_
Oryx (47)
Gamarra, J.G.P.; Sole, R.V. 2000 Bifurcations and chaos in ecology: lynx returns revisited
Ecology Letters (3 )
Gamo, R.S.; Rumble, M.A.; Lindzey, F.; Stefanich, M. 2000 GPS Radio Collar 3D Performance as Influenced by Forest Structure and Topography
Biotelemetry (15)
Ganatra, K.; Soni, V.C.; Raval, P.P. 1990 Bone age assessment of various skull bones and teeth of the Gir lion (_panthera leo persica_)
Zoo's Print (5)
Gandiwa, E. 2012 Local knowledge and perceptions of animal population abundances by communities adjacent to the northern Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe
Tropical Conservation Science (5)
Gandiwa, E. 2011 Preliminary assessment of illegal hunting by communities adjacent to the northern Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe
Tropical Conservation Science (4)
Gandiwa, E.; Heitkā€nig, I.M.A.; Lokhorst, A.M.; Prins, H.H.T.; Leeuwis, C. 2013 Illegal hunting and law enforcement during a period of economic decline in Zimbabwe: a case study of northern Gonarezhou National Park and adjacent areas
Journal for Nature Conservation (21)
Gandiwa, E.; Zisadza-Gandiwa, P.; Mango, L.; Jakarasi, J. 2014 Law enforcement staff perceptions of illegal hunting and wildlife conservation in Gonarezhou National Park, southeastern Zimbabwe
Tropical Ecology (55)
Ganesa, A.; Aunurohim, 2012 Perilaku Harian Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) dalam konservasi ex-situ Kebun Binatang Surabaya
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS (1)
Gangaas, K.E.; Kaltenborn, B.P.; Andreassen, H.P. 2015 Environmental attitudes associated with large-scale cultural differences, not local environmental conflicts
Environmental Conservation (42)
Gangadharan, A. 2005 Density Estimation and Time Trend Analysis of Large Herbivores in Nagarhole, India
Full Book
Gangadharan, A. 2015 Connectivity conservation for large mammals in a human-dominated biodiversity hotspot
Full Book
Ganguli-Lachungpa, U. 1999 Dead snow leopard Uncia uncia at Yabuk, Dongkung (5500 m) in north Sikkim
Ganguly, D. 2020 Fishing cat mortality outside protected areas in West Bengal, India, 2019-2020
Cat News (71)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)