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Ganguly, D.; Adhya, T. 2020 How Fishing Cats _Prionailurus viverrinus_ fish: Describing a felid's strategy to hunt aquatic prey
Gani, M.O. 2002 A study on the loss of Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) in five years (1996-2000) from Bangladesh Sundarbans
Tiger Paper (29)
Gantchoff, M.G.; Belant, J.L. 2016 Patterns of coexistence between two mesocarnivores in northern Patagonia in the presence of invasive hares and anthropogenic disturbance
Austral Ecology (41)
Gaona, P.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes, M. 1998 Dynamics and viability of a metapopulation of the endangered Iberian lynx _(Lynx pardinus)_
Ecological Monographs (68)
Gaparini-Morato, R.L.; Sartorello, L.; Rampin, L.; Fragoso, C.E.; Adelinson May Jr, J.; Teles, P.; Haberfeld, M.; de Paula, R.C.; Morato, R.G. 2021 Is reintroduction a took for the conservation of the jaguar Panthera onca? A case study in the Brazilian Pantanal
Oryx (55)
Garba, H.H.M.; Di Silvestre, I. 2008 Conflicts between large carnivores and domestic livestock in the peripheral zone of the W transboundary Park in Niger
Conference Proceeding
Garc¡a, C.B.; Svensson, G.L.; Bravo, C.; Undurraga, M.I.; D¡az-Forestier, J.; Godoy, K.; Neaman, A.; Barbosa, O.; Abades, S.; Celis-Diez, J.L. 2021 Remnants of native forests support carnivore diversity in the vineyard landscapes of central Chile
Oryx (55)
Garc¡a, I.; Napp, S.; Zorrilla, I.; Vargas, A.; Pastor, J.; Mu¤oz, A.; Mart¡nez, F. 2010 Determination of serum biochemical reference intervals for the Iberian lynx
The Veterinary Journal (183)
Garcia Esponda, C.M.; Carrera, J.D.; Moreira, G.J.; Cazon, A.V.; de Santis, L.J.M. 2009 Microvertebrados depredados por _Leopardus pajero_ en el sur de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina
Mastozoologia Neotropical (16)
Garcia Fontes, S.; Morato, R.G.; Stanzani, S.L.; Pizzigatti Corrˆa, P.L. 2021 Jaguar movement behavior: using trajectories and association rule mining algorithms to unveil behavioural states and social interactions
PLoS ONE (16(2): E0246233)
Garcia Olaechea, A.; Hurtado, C.M. 2018 Ecology and conservation of Pampas cat_ Leopardus colocolo_ in northwestern Peru
Conference Proceeding
Garcia, F.J. 2006 The wildcat Felis silvestris Schreber, 1775
Galemys (16)
Garcia, F.J.; Delgado-Jaramillo, M.; Machado, M.; Aular, L. 2012 Preliminary inventory of mammals from Yurub¡ National Park, Yaracuy, Venezuela with some comments on their natural history
Revista de Biologia Tropical (60)
Garcia, J.A.M.; Martinez, G.D.M.; Plata, F.X.; Rosas, O.C.R.; Arambula, L.A.T.; Bender, L.C. 2014 Use of prey by sympatric bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) and coyote (_Canis latrans_) in the Izta-Popo National Park, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (89)
Garcia, K.P.; Ortiz, J.C.; Vidal, M.; Rau, J.R. 2010 Morphometrics of the Tracks of _Puma concolor_: Is It Possible to Differentiate the Sexes Using Measurements from Captive Animals?
Zoological Studies (49)
Garcia, N.; Arsuaga, J.L. 1999 Carnivores from the Early Pleistocene hominid-bearing Trinchera Dolina 6 (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)
Journal of Human Evolution (37)
Garcia, N.; Arsuaga, J.L.; Torres, T. 1997 The carnivore remains from the Sima de los Huesos middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)
Journal of Human Evolution (33)
Garcia-Alaniz, N.; Naranjo, E.J.; Mallory, F.F. 2010 Hair-snares: A non-invasive method for monitoring felid populations in the Selva Lacandona, Mexico
Tropical Conservation Science (3)
Garcia-Anleu, R.; Kelly, M.J.; Meerman, J.; Nipko, R.B.; Holcombe, B.; Mcphail, D.; Ponce-Santizo, G.; Mcnab, R.B.; Radachowsky, J.; Ramos, V.H.; Polisar, J. 2020 Short-tail jaguar: the need for transboundary collaboration across the Maya Forest
Cat News (71)
Garcia-Anleu, R.; Ponce-Santizo, G.; Mcnab, R.B.; Polisar, J.; Noss, A.; Moreira, J.; Ruano, G. 2015 The queen of Tikal and her suitors
Cat News (62)
Garcia-Anleu, R.; Ramos, V.H.; Mcnab, R.B.; Herrera, F.; Moreira, J.; Ponce, G.; Calaca, A.M.; de Melo, F.R.; Marchini, S. 2008 Jaguar News - September 2008
Garcia-Bocanegra, I.; Dubey, J.P.; Martinez, F.; Vargas, A.; Cabezon, O.; Zorrilla, I.; Arenas, A.; Almeria, S. 2010 Factors affecting seroprevalence of _Toxoplasma gondii_ in the endangered Iberian lynx
Veterinary Parasitology (167)
Garcia-Burgos, J.; Gallina, S.; Gonzalez-Romero, A. 2014 Relaci¢n entre la riqueza de mam¡feros medianos en cafetales y la heterogeneidad espacial en el centro de Veracruz
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (30)
Garcia-Contreras, G.; Acosta-Lugo, E.; Carrillo, J.C.; Hernandez, M.A. 2011 Maintaining Maya Forest Connectivity in a changing landscape: Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and Mexico's Highway 186
Conference Proceeding
Garcia-Olaechea, A.; Appleton, R.D.; Piana, R.P. 2019 First confrmed record of jaguarundi, _Herpailurus yagouaroundi_ (. Geofroy, 1803) (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae), on the western slope of the Peruvian Andes
Check List (15)
Garcia-Olaechea, A.; Hurtado, C.M. 2017 Assessment of the current distribution and human perceptions of the Pampas cat _Leopardus colocolo_ in northern Peru and southern Ecuador
Oryx (52)
Garcia-Olaechea, A.; Hurtado, C.M. 2020 Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Garcia-Perea, R. 2002 Andean mountain cat, Oreailurus jacobita: Morphological description and comparison with other felines from the Altiplano
Journal of Mammalogy (83)
Garcia-Perea, R. Pampas cats: How many species?
Full Book
Garcia-Perea, R. 1994 The Pampas Cat Group (Genus Lynchailurus Servertzov, 1858) (Carnivora, Felidae), a Systematic and Biogeographic Review
American Museum Novitates
Garcia-Perea, R. 1999 A morphological key to differentiate Andean mountain cats, Oreailurus jacobita, from Pampas cat, Genus Lynchailurus
Full Book
Garcia-Perea, R. 2000 Morphological characteristics and affinities of the Chinese mountain cat, Felis bieti (Preliminary Report)
Full Book
Garcia-Perea, R. 1996 Patterns of Postnatal Development in Skulls of Lynxes, Genus Lynx (Mammalia: Carnivora)
Journal of Morphology (229)
Garcia-Perea, R. 2000 Survival of injured Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) and non-natural mortality in central-southern Spain
Biological Conservation (93)
Garcia-Perea, R. 1999 A morphological guide to differentiate Andean mountain cats, _Oreailurus jacobita_, and pampas cats, genus _Lynchailurus_, from the Andean altiplano
Full Book
Garcia-Perea, R.; Gisbert, J.; Palacios, F. 1985 Review of the biometrical and morphological features of the skull of the Iberian lynx, Lynx pardina (Temminck, 1824)
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (32)
Garcia-Perea, R.; Nowell, K. 1998 How to differentiate Oreailurus jacobitus from Lynchailurus species
Full Book
Garca, I.; Martnez, F.; Pastor, J.; Bach-Raich, E.; Muoz, A.; Vargas, A.; Zorrilla, I. 2009 Serum biochemical parameters for the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_): references values
Book Chapter
Garca, N.; Virgs, E. 2007 Evolution of community composition in several carnivore palaeoguilds from the European Pleistocene: the role of interspecific competition
Lethaia (40)
Garca-Perea, R.; Gisbert, J. 1986 Causes of mortality of the Iberian lynx in Montes de Toledo and Sierra Morena
Jornadas sobre la conservacion de la naturalezaen Espana
Gardner, A.; Arce, A.; Alpedrinha, J. 2009 Budding dispersal and the sex ratio
Journal of Evolutionary Biology (22)
Gardner, A.L. 1971 Notes on the little spotted cat, _Felis tigrina oncilla_ Thomas, in Costa Rica
Journal of Mammalogy (52)
Gardner, B.; Reppucci, J.; Lucherini, M.; Royle, J.A. 2010 Spatially explicit inference for open populations: estimating demographic parameters from camera-trap studies
Ecology (91)
Gardner, B.; Sollmann, R.; Kumar, N.S.; Jathanna, D.; Karanth, K.U. 2018 State space and movement specification in open population spatial capture-recapture models
Ecology and Evolution (8)
Gardner, P.C.; Ambu, L.; Bernard, H.; Goossens, B. 2014 The rare flat-headed cat and other felids in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
Cat News (61)
Garga, D.P. 1947 How far can a tiger swim?
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (47)
Garland, T.jr. 1983 The relation between maximal running speed and body mass in terrestrial mammals
Journal of Zoology (199)
Garofalo, L.; Mariacher, A.; Fanelli, R.; Fico, R.; Lorenzini, R. 2018 Hindering the illegal trade in dog and cat furs through a DNA-based protocol for species identification
PeerJ (6)
Garrido, E.P.; Soto, C.; Diaz-Pulido, A.; Nijhawan, S.; Hoogesteijn, R. 2011 El corredor jaguar: una oportunidad para asegurar la conectividad de la biodiversidad en la cuenca del Orinoco
Book Chapter
Garrido, E.P.; Vargas, C.S. 2012 The felidae of Colombia
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)