IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Ham, A. 2012 Guardians of the Lions
Africa Geographic (May 2012)
Ham, A. 2013 Brawn and Brains Africas clever carnivores
Africa Geographic (May 2013)
Ham, A. 2014 Virus alarm for rare lynx
BBC Wildlife (June 2014)
Hamann, K. 2010 Asian officials extend lifeline for wild tigers
Cat News (53)
Hambali, K.; Razak, M.H.S.A.; Abdullah, M.S.; Aziz, M.A.A. 2019 First camera trap photo of marbled cat in Ulu Sat Permanent Forest Reserve, Malaysia
Cat News (69)
Hamdine, W.; Meftah, T.; Sehki, A. 2003 Distribution and status of the cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_ Schrebert, 1776) in the central Algerian Sahara (Ahaggar and Tassili)
Mammalia (67)
Hameed, K.; Angelone-Alasaad, S.; Ud Din, J.; Nawaz, M.A.; Rossi, L. 2016 The threatening but unpredictable _Sarcoptes scabiei_: first deadly outbreak in the Himalayan lynx, _Lynx lynx isabellinus_, from Pakistan
Parasites & Vectors (9)
Hameed, S.; Ud Din, J.; Shah, K.A.; Kabir, M.; Ayub, M.; Khan, S.; Bischof, R.; Nawaz, D.A.; Nawaz, M.A. 2014 Pallas's cat photographed in Qurumber National Park, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Cat News (60)
Hamidan, N.; Al-Gheyyath, N. 2017 Further records of the sand cat, _Felis margarita_, from the eastern desert, Jordan
Jordan Journal of Natural History (2017)
Hamidi, A.K.; Ghoddousi, A.; Soufi, M.; Ghadirian, T.; Jowkar, H.; Ashayeri, S. 2014 Camera trap study of Persian leopard in Golestan National Park, Iran
Cat News (60)
Hamilton, D. 2006 Cougar Hysteria - Addressing _Mountain Lion Mania_ in the Midwest and the East
Wild Cat News (2)
Hamilton, P.H. 1974 The Tsavo Leopard Project
AWLF News (9)
Hamilton, P.H. 1981 The leopard Panthera pardus and the Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus in Kenya
Full Book
Hammershoj, M.; Asferg, T. 2000 Mink and polecats in Denmark: status, control and damage to poultry
Mammal Review (30)
Hamoudi, H.; Rudnick, J.-C.; Prause, J.U.; Tauscher, K.; Breithaupt, A.; Teifke, J.P.; Heegaard, S. 2013 Anterior segment dysgenesis (Peters' anomaly) in two snow leopard cubs
Veterinary Ophthalmology (16)
Hampden Porter, J. 1894 Wild beasts
Full Book
Hampson, M.C.; Schwitzer, C. 2016 Effects of hand-rearing on reproductive success in captive large cats _Panthera tigris altaica, Uncia uncia, Acinonyx jubatus_ and _Neofelis nebulosa_
PLoS ONE (11)
Han, X. 2001 Far eastern leopard and Siberian tiger conservation measures
Conference Proceeding
Han, X.-S.; Chen, H.-Q.; Dong, Z.-Y.; Xiao, L.-Y.; Zhao, X.; Lu, Z. 2020 Discovery of first active breeding den of Chinese mountain cat (_Felis bieti_)
Zoological Research (41)
Hanazaki, N.; Alves, R.R.N.; Begossi, A. 2009 Hunting and use of terrestrial fauna used by Caiā€”aras from the Atlantic forest coast (Brazil)
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (5)
Hanby, J.P.; Bygott, J.D. 1987 Emigration of subadult lions
Animal Behaviour (35)
Hanby, J.P.; Bygott, J.D. 1979 Population Changes in Lions and Other Predators
Book Chapter
Hanby, J.P.; Bygott, J.D.; Packer, C. 1995 Ecology, demography, and behavior of lions in two contrasting habitats: Ngorongoro crater and the Serengeti plains
Book Chapter
Hance, J. 2010 Photos: highest diversity of cats in the world discovered in threatened forest of India
Hance, J. 2011 Photos: biologists surprised by world's biggest leopard in Afghanistan
Hance, J. 2013 Scientists capture one of the world's rarest big cats on film (photos)
Hancox, M. 1991 Differences in avian and mammalian sociobiology: A reappraisal
International Zoo News (38)
Handono, C.D.; Appel, A.; Febrianto, I.; Rihadini, R. 2023 Small carnivores (Mammalia: Carnivora) in the Wonorejo Mangroves, Jawa Timur, indonesia: habitat use and activity patterns
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (71)
Hanekom, N.; Randall, R.M. 2015 Assessments of occurrence and distribution of mammals in forests of the Garden Route National Park based on camera trapping
Koedoe (57)
Hanekom, N.; Wilson, V. 1991 Blue duiker _Philantomba monticola_ densities in the Tsitsikamma National Park and probable factors limiting these populations
Koedoe (34)
Hanfee, F. 1998 Wildlife Trade - A Handbook for Enforcement Staff
Full Book
Hanhart, S. 1929 An Experience with a Tigress
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (33)
Hanke, P.U.; Dickman, C.R. 2013 Sniffing out the stakes: hair-snares for wild cats in arid environments
Wildlife Research (40)
Hankla, D. 1997 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revision of Recovery Plan for the Florida Panther
Federal Register (62)
Hannah, L.; Midgley, G.F.; Millar, D. 2002 Climate change-integrated conservation strategies
Global Ecology and Biogeography (11)
Hansen, A.L.S.; Li, A.; Joly, D.; Mekaru, S.; Brownstein, J.S. 2012 Digital surveillance: a novel approach to monitoring the illegal wildlife trade
PLoS ONE (7)
Hansen, H.; Hess, S.C.; Cole, D.; Banko, P.C. 2007 Using population genetic tools to develop a control strategy for feral cats (Felis catus) in Hawai'i
Wildlife Research (34)
Hanson, J.H.; Schutgens, M.; Baral, N. 2018 What explains tourists' support for snow leopard conservation in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal?
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (24)
Hanson, J.H.; Schutgens, M.; Lama, R.P.; Aryal, A.; Dhakal, M. 2018 Local attitudes to the proposed translocation of blue sheep Pseudois nayaur to Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Hanssen, L. 1998 Men jailed for illegal possession of leopard
AfriCat-Newsletter - Namibian Carnivore Monitoring Project (6)
Hanssen, L. 1999 Experimental leopard reintroduction
AfriCat-Newsletter - Namibian Carnivore Monitoring Project (7)
Hanssen, L. 2001 The Kunene lion study - a summary
AfriCat-Newsletter - Namibian Carnivore Monitoring Project (9)
Hanssen, L.; Stander, P. 2003 Namibia Large Carnivore Atlas
Full Book
Hanssen, L.; Stander, P. 2004 Namibia Large Carnivore Atlas
Full Book
Happold, D. 2019 Mammal checklist for the Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve
Full Book
Happold, D.C.D. 1984 Small mammals
Book Chapter
Happold, D.C.D. 2000 Nigerian Mammals
Nigerian Field (65)
Happold, D.C.D. 1987 Leopard
Book Chapter
Haque, M.Z.; Reza, M.I.H.; Rahim, S.A.; Abdullah, M.P.; Elfithri, R.; Mokhtar, M.B. 2015 Behavioral change due to climate change effects accelerate tiger human conflicts: a study on Sundarbans Mangrove Forests, Bangladesh
International Journal of Conservation Science (6)
Harahap, S.A.; Sakaguchi, N. 2005 Ecological research and conservation of the Javan leopard in Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)